Violence in Nigeria.


Sergeants Major just cringed the world over after seeing this picture.
because once ignorance takes hold it's hard to get rid of (kinda like kudzu). No town should want that

I am glad he is coming to inform the public of the threat we face. Most, including too many on this board don't understand it.
banning books, mosques and immigrants from Muslim countries while deporting the ones that already live in Europe claiming they will end European civilization. His hatred of Muslims is also pretty well know.
banning books, mosques and immigrants from Muslim countries while deporting the ones that already live in Europe claiming they will end European civilization. His hatred of Muslims is also pretty well know.

All this is a little different than ordering the slaughter of them don't you think?
it all has to start somewhere right? There were no concentration camps in the 1920's

why a church would invite an agnostic to preach his hate speech is beyond me. Doesn't seem to fit
because once ignorance takes hold it's hard to get rid of (kinda like kudzu). No town should want that

Prisons and Mosques: NIMBY

Actually, I prefer to live next to one, because when the Moslems decide to fire bomb the infidels, the neighborhoods with Mosques will be the one place they avoid.

It would be the next safest thing to shacking up with gs and vfjustin in their bunker o' Jesus.
it all has to start somewhere right? There were no concentration camps in the 1920's

why a church would invite an agnostic to preach his hate speech is beyond me. Doesn't seem to fit

So he is responsible for 0 murders and he is a Nazi? What do you consider these Muslims who are responsible for countless number of murders?
It would be the next safest thing to shacking up with gs and vfjustin in their bunker o' Jesus.

I will always have 1 bullet left just for me

So he is responsible for 0 murders and he is a Nazi? What do you consider these Muslims who are responsible for countless number of murders?

I said his speech is kinda familiar and every movement starts somewhere. He is for the roundup and deportation of a group of people based on their religious beliefs. What happens when they won't go willingly?

If this happens to be your church then it explains a lot
So he is responsible for 0 murders and he is a Nazi?

The National Socialist Party existed in Germany prior to the night of the Kristallnacht and the Holocaust. So, there were Nazi's around before they were responsible for any murders. Also, Nietsche never personally killed anyone; yet, it was his philosophy that truly spawned the evils that were manifested in the Nazi state.

What do you consider these Muslims who are responsible for countless number of murders?

Murderers who happen to be Muslims.
don't think he has but do you really believe the conversation ends

- Leave our country!
- No
- Ok, I tried
I really doubt he wants to start killing them if they don't. I want illegal aliens out of our country but I am not saying kill them if they won't leave.
Persecuting someone because of their race, creed, sexual orientation, gender, etc. is persecuting that person because of their race, creed, sexual orientation, gender, etc. It matters not whether that persecution is simply a coerced exile, detainment, corporal punishment, or capital punishment.
from what I read these aren't illegals he's targeting

That was not my point, my point was just because he wants them out of his country that does not mean he will kill them to accomplish his goal.

I want illegals out of America and want our laws enforced, that does not mean I want to drive down the street, round them up and throw them into gas chambers if they won't leave.
Thanks Tex, I knew you would appreciate me keeping you up on world events you won't see on the nighly news.

Heads up, I'm about to post in your 'Pakistan' thread, I know it's got to be a real treat as well.

Were they Nigerian?

You keep using that same lame joke and still never get a laugh.

Otay ofay.

Obviously these people hold the Pope in very high regard.

How did they respond when he recomended repeal of the death penalty for 'insult of islam' in Pakistan??

Indonesia and other countries as well.



Yeah, they believe that Isa is the Messiah.

Er, well no, they believe more like Louis Farrakhan, Obama is the messiah.

I continue to be overwhelmed by the benevolence of the religion of peace.

Let's review recent African events;

The Arab moslems of Sudan slaughtered two million southern black Christians in the name of islamic jihad.

Not a peep in our ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, FOX western information bureau.

This was far worse than any aspect of apartheid in the former South Africa but we don't have campus activists like Barack Hussein Obama saying crap at all.

Even the Arab moslem murder of a quarter million nominally moslem blacks in Darfur is an Arab supremacist action but not a lot of objection like we have seen in Egypt and Libya. No racism there, keep moving along sheeple.

In Kenya when the moslem minority didn't get their way in the elections, they rioted killing thousands and displacing hundreds of thousands but the UN recomended a sharing of power and the US government spent $50 million helping to usher in islamic sharia law at the behest of the candidate Barack Obama illegally campaigned for during prior to the election.

You know, it is against American law that any elected official interfere in foreign politics but then Obama seems to be above the law in many respects.


In the Ivory coast their supreme court validated the election of a Christian president but French special forces, under UN sanction went in, capturted the president and turned him over to the muslim minority opposition, think we will ever hear of him again?

And now the same is happening in Nigeria which also has a history of moslems persecuting Christians.

I laugh, that's all that counts. I will admit it's not nearly as funny as some of the things I see in real life. It's a funny, funny world gsv. Enjoy it while it's here.
That was not my point, my point was just because he wants them out of his country that does not mean he will kill them to accomplish his goal.

I want illegals out of America and want our laws enforced, that does not mean I want to drive down the street, round them up and throw them into gas chambers if they won't leave.

how does he accomplish the goal of kicking out citizens of that country? This isn't about people jumping the border
how does he accomplish the goal of kicking out citizens of that country? This isn't about people jumping the border

Citizens, PJ? No, no, no, these are moslems. Moslemhammedanianism is not a religion, it is a political movement, actually, a separate world government, under the caliphate of Admiral Allahu Akbar. Therefore, moslems are citizen-terrorists of Islamophobandamonieum and have renounced their US citizenship by default.
Or hopefully they will fail in their efforts.

What is your problem with the mosque in Murfreesboro?
Muslims don't have a right to build a house of worship for themselves? In America, the melting pot of melting pots? Denying them the right to build a house of worship is UNAMERICAN and goes completely against everything this country was built on.

With all due respect, you must realize your political ideology isn't near the mainstream, right?
I laugh, that's all that counts. I will admit it's not nearly as funny as some of the things I see in real life. It's a funny, funny world gsv. Enjoy it while it's here.

I always do.

No one produces more humor on this board than me.

It's just that some don't appreciate humor unless it
is politically correct or even if it makes fun of so-called

I think that is tremendously funny, I really get a kick
out of watching some of these dum basses get their
drawers all wound up around their geeky pencil thin


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