VN Countdown to '07 Football!!

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how weird is that? very similar name, avatar is a pic from almost same spot, and his says manning is the man, while mine says meachem is the man. coincidence? i don't think so
how weird is that? very similar name, avatar is a pic from almost same spot, and his says manning is the man, while mine says meachem is the man. coincidence? i don't think so

HAHA Ya know what they say about imitation...

Btw it's 3:00am east coast meaning I can safely say...


The year of destiny


The former number of "Big Bad John" One of the only jumbotron animations I actually thought was pretty cool. Although the "Power of Cheese" was kinda cool too.
how weird is that? very similar name, avatar is a pic from almost same spot, and his says manning is the man, while mine says meachem is the man. coincidence? i don't think so
congrats, you now have a stalker. good luck with that.:thumbsup:
nope. someone already checked some address that verified it. i have been talking to him in PMs, and he said he is not a stalker, but just a person who states his opinions.
well, i thought he was stalking me and he did copy my whole profile, but now i don't really care.
It's pretty obvious.

Almost same Avatar's.
Manning / Meachem is the man.

Posts right after him, and agrees with him on just about everything. :)
cool beans, and I thought I was off for the first game until I realized it today looking at the calender.
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