VN's very own political meme thread...

You have been way off lately.

Maybe Slice is right. Some time in the AAA league would help.

Been hearing that for years, either I started on the mountain top or folks like to trot that out as some perceived slight. When I stop hearing it, I'll start to worry.
My involvement varies with content and context.
For example on the Luther scale I’d put my serious response level at approximately 23% leaving 91.5% in the “joking” or “being an ass” category. While functioning in either category it’s possible that I a) understood you clearly B) didn’t understand your point C) clearly understood but chose to like like I didn’t for effect or D) didn’t understand but thought I did but acted as if I didn’t understand for effects and there actually responded as if I did. It’s up to you to determine which is happening. If that’s to much work you can always chose to pretend I don’t exist. @lawgator1 is pretty good at this most of the time.

that’s just how Jewish Rednecks roll.

You are not the issue. Peep often try to make me the issue, to divert from something I've said. But I am not the issue. I encourage all those who come here to exercise vanity to put me on ignore. Not interested. For those who are, perhaps Freak should open a vanity forum.
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." Albert Einstein
Been hearing that for years, either I started on the mountain top or folks like to trot that out as some perceived slight. When I stop hearing it, I'll start to worry.

Your troll game has been way off. I think you've been too over the top on it. You should be more subtle like me in the run over protestors thread.
Your troll game has been way off. I think you've been too over the top on it. You should be more subtle like me in the run over protestors thread.

I might be offended if I were. Apparently I've been so good that even when I'm not - you guys are bobbing and weaving and simply can't help but accidentally reminding me of my legend.

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