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The law does allow for poll workers to set up a water dispenser. Not sure what good that does people standing in long lines, where nobody is allowed to distribute water to them. Why are you falsely defending the indefensible, phony "small government" Republicans dictating how and where voters standing in long lines for hours can get water?
There's a good reason for this law. It's called voter intimidation. Campaign buttons or clothing is often worn. Who's to stop the "good Samaritans" from expressing who they should vote for? The way around this is for a "good Samaritan" to have food and drink station UNMANNED. No politics whatsoever affixed to any cup or wrap.
Voters can bring their own water and avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
Where's the fun in that? Screaming racism or intimidation and looking for a payday is much more fun than taking any responsibility for yourself. It's hot. Water is sold in bottles. Buy a few because you know it is hot and you are gonna be in line.

I freeze a bottle every night and take it to the gym with me because cold water when I am sweating my ass off on the elliptical is a nice thing to have. Maybe I should be suing the gym for not providing it.
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You have not read it then. The law specifies that poll workers will provide water.

Again being bribed by partisans is illegal in every state

What a stupid thing to say to me, after I posted a quote from the Statute. I have read the statute, and I am aware that the the law includes an exception, for poll workers to provide a water dispenser. You can stop feeling superior by assuming that you know more than everybody else. My impression is that is all you care about doing.

Having a water dispenser at the entry of the polling place will allow voters who stand in line for hours to have a drink of water before voting. The things you say do not change the fact that Georgia Republican's big government legislation dictates against people offering water to voters who are standing in long lines, some of them for many hours thanks to Republican bad government. If the Majority Republican legislature wanted to address influence or intimidation, they could have done that, but that's not what they did. They could have extended the distance where candidate or partisan posters, pamphlets, and buttons cannot be displayed. They could have expressly forbidden any indication of political bias from anyone who offers food or water to voters caught in long lines. But that is not what they did.
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You have not read it then. The law specifies that poll workers will provide water.

Again being bribed by partisans is illegal in every state

Why don't you provide a direct quote or link to the Statute if you want to make that distinction. I don't think the law tells poll workers that they must provide water. It does make an exception to allow them to provide water. But poll workers work where? Hint, at the polling place.
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I’m pretty sure they need bathrooms set up and a Partisan to wipe for them. Because if you need someone to feed you and keep you hydrated........

And I'm pretty sure that this is the last stupid post from you that will show up on my screen. Good luck with your talking stupid to look superior. It just does not work for me.
And I'm pretty sure that this is the last stupid post from you that will show up on my screen. Good luck with your talking stupid to look superior. It just does not work for me.

echo chamber guy^^^^

Repeats lies he agrees with and call others stupid for not drinking the cool aid.......or water.

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