That statement shows that you have no idea what the genesis of this war actually is.
You seriously believe that Putin just woke up one day in 2021 and decided to invade Ukraine with zero provocation? Please educate yourself before making foolish comments.
The reason for memes like that is that the left was at one time (long ago) righteously anti-war, anti-establishment, and pro-freedom or speech. Since becoming the establishment themselves with Bush and Obama, they have taken directly opposite viewpoints - censoring speech you disagree with is a good thing, the government always knows best (even with regard to forced medical procedures), and war is suddenly okay.
Convincing large swaths of the Western public that the Ukrainian war was an unprovoked act of Russian aggression undoubtedly stands as one of the great coups in the history of propaganda art. Nothing could, in fact, be further from the truth than the continually repeated claim that the Russian...