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It's confounding to me that people think you're not peaceful if you think you should fight to defend territory that belongs to you. It's one of the most disengenuous, and completely hypocritical positions by the right. If people called you a war-monger because you weren't giving up Texas to strike a peace deal with an invading Mexico who you can't even trust to keep the bad deal, you would think they were stupid as hell. That's how y'all look.

That statement shows that you have no idea what the genesis of this war actually is. You seriously believe that Putin just woke up one day in 2021 and decided to invade Ukraine with zero provocation? Please educate yourself before making foolish comments.

The reason for memes like that is that the left was at one time (long ago) righteously anti-war, anti-establishment, and pro-freedom or speech. Since becoming the establishment themselves with Bush and Obama, they have taken directly opposite viewpoints - censoring speech you disagree with is a good thing, the government always knows best (even with regard to forced medical procedures), and war is suddenly okay.

That statement shows that you have no idea what the genesis of this war actually is. You seriously believe that Putin just woke up one day in 2021 and decided to invade Ukraine with zero provocation? Please educate yourself before making foolish comments.

The reason for memes like that is that the left was at one time (long ago) righteously anti-war, anti-establishment, and pro-freedom or speech. Since becoming the establishment themselves with Bush and Obama, they have taken directly opposite viewpoints - censoring speech you disagree with is a good thing, the government always knows best (even with regard to forced medical procedures), and war is suddenly okay.

What about Putin makes that hard to believe? Lol. He murdered his own people to gain political power.

So you're telling me that Ukraine should not defend its territories because you believe NATO is responsible for the start of the conflict? Would you think that if you were Ukrainian? Of course you wouldn't.
So you're telling me that Ukraine should not defend its territories because you believe NATO is responsible for the start of the conflict? Would you think that if you were Ukrainian? Of course you wouldn't.

I'll give you a simple analogy since you clearly didn't read the article. How would the U.S. react if China or Russia planned to park troops and weapons in Cuba, right on our doorstep? What do you think the Cuban Missile Crisis was about in 1962? That's the same thing as Ukraine becoming a NATO country, which is the one thing Putin could and would not tolerate.

NATO (the neocon dominated U.S. establishment (which Trump is hopefully dismantling) and EU globalists) has been provoking Putin with the threat of NATO expansion for more than a decade, and using the installed puppet Zelensky and Ukraine as the front for their proxy war, which is doing nothing but enriching arms manufacturers, politicians, and global elites while Ukrainian men are served up to the meat grinder. Zelensky has run short of his own people to sacrifice, so he's looking for outside sources of fresh meat, which leftist idiots here actually support.

Fools with their Ukraine flags have bought the propaganda of "Putin the devil" and have become bloodthirsty war mongers, while Ukraine burns, their people suffer and die, and politicians get richer. Trump wants to put an end to the pointless waste and make Russia a trading partner, which is all Putin has ever wanted. If Putin wanted to conquer the world, like some nitwits actually believe, why would he have created the Nordstream Pipeline (which the U.S. destroyed) to provide oil to Europe?

I understand this is all news to you if you get all your news from places like CNN and the New York Times, who loyally toe the line of the government narrative.
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The damage the Trump victory did to the democrats seems almost insurmountable for that party to ever exist coherently again.

His greatest achievements will always be exposing the media and the establishment of both parties for what they really are, but at this point he has completely broken the Democrat party.

Their behavior during that speech was a microcosm of what they have become as a party - a directionless, childish mess that supports any and every insane policy that the public is more and more rejecting.

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