I am seriously so tired of getting on these boards and seeing complete hysteria from some of these people on this board. I really do not know what you guys expect, seriously we just played a top 5 team and lost by single digits. It is honestly unreal how insane the expectations are from some of the people on this board, i'm beginning to think many of you did not even watch the game. I know a lot of this stems from the passion we all have for Tennessee sports, but at this point it is laughable how some of you are acting:
1. Maymon played a good game tonight, he got many pivotal tie-ups and rebounds against Patric Young out there, granted he did mess up a lot down the stretch but aside from those last 5 minutes he played a good game. And he played his heard out, so this "Maymon doesn't even care" stuff is trash.
2. Tonight's loss was not on Cuonzo it was on execution of our players. Jordan Mcrae played a great game, but he took a couple shots in crunch time that he really shouldn't have. And Maymon killed us too.
3.It's been said a lott before but i'll try again, Bruce is not coming back. So we need to stop with that it makes us look ridiculous.
Those of you claiming the sky is falling and say we should fire Cuonzo immediately to salvage our season, please go back to putting the for-sale signs in Butch's yard. You guys are laughable.:salute: GBO and Go RATIONAL Tennessee fans. Let the season play out, then make your judgement on Zo and our team, all i ask. Criticism is okay, but this is getting ridiculous.