VolNation Live -- Tonight (Sunday) at 8pm

Either I've got to just stop trying and admit once and for all that joeydupree is the biggest evil smartass on this board, or the guy has the biggest problem with his priorities since W put an equestrian in charge of disaster relief.

naw, you can have that one ! but i AM leaving early trying to get home in time to catch the show !!!
I'm looking for a little more attendance than this, I mean come on. Day before the big UCLA game. This will definitely be a better show than last week.

Something different for this show. We are not giving a specific topic for us to ask you and then comment. Plenty happened over the weekend and the game is tomorrow. SO....you better bring it quick and strong or we move to the next caller. We want to try to get as many people involved as possible.
you and me both. Hey, Maybe GAVol is at his local store for a pair and will call in tonight..
GAVol will likely be on the beach with a beverage in hand at 8:00 tonight.
I think we have some really good material tonight. And we are hoping for a special guest. Stay tuned.
No we have a really special guest tonight (even more special than the hornet). You aren't going to want to miss this one.

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