#VolReport: Aug 18 Distractions

Yes, the young lady is hot.

However I am more worried about the QB wearing the #12 who apparently was trying to throw that pass into the stands instead of to his WR. What the hell kind of throw was that?

He went 1for1 in the video. That's a pretty good passer rating.
I understand that he was trying to throw an out pattern but that thing looked way too high in the air. It is a good sign that our receiver caught it, however the way he had to catch it kind of irks me.

That is the way you throw the out pass.Throw it so the receiver can catch it and the defensive back can touch it. It was a perfect pass and catch. First down or touchdown, depending on the field position.
Mack Crowder looked like the Babies head that was on the opposing coach during the bowl game in the movie Waterboy...lol...
Originally Posted by Reivax26 View Post
I understand that he was trying to throw an out pattern but that thing looked way too high in the air. It is a good sign that our receiver caught it, however the way he had to catch it kind of irks me.

It "irks" you one of our QBs threw a pass that was high to the WR even though the WR caught it anyway? I'd re-calibrate what is irksome to you before the season begins or you'll be in for a miserable season.

Irksome: Watching Crompton continually throw 7 yd passes into the dirt when the receiver is 12 yards down field. OR: Matt Sims holding onto the ball for 25 1/2 seconds when our receivers were open for 3. I'll take a slightly high pass where only our receivers can catch it going out of bounds any day.
pop quiz,


what is it?

It's a jpg graphic post on Volnation that originally was at the URL of: http://www.bubblews.com/assets/images/news/216700920_1372127151.jpg :hi:
With only 21 posts to your name you don't have enough clout to be criticizing the QB's yet. If you watch the play again he threw high and outside to the only spot it could be caught and not picked. Very tight coverage but still completed the pass. Carter made hell of an outstanding catch!

Quit looking at glass half empty! :eek:k:


Honestly, what does a post count have to do with football knowledge? I've always wondered.
Honestly, what does a post count have to do with football knowledge? I've always wondered.

Well, in football, you can only have two goal posts. One at either end of the field. More than two doesn't contribute to the game. Further presents a hazard to players running to the sideline or other areas where a post normally not placed. Hope this helps. :)
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Well, in football, you can only have two goal posts. One at either end of the field. More than two doesn't contribute to the game. Further presents a hazard to players running to the sideline or other areas where a post normally not placed. Hope this helps. :)

Swing and a miss.
News and reporting about our team is SERIOUS. This is a distraction.


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Mack Crowder looked like the Babies head that was on the opposing coach during the bowl game in the movie Waterboy...lol...

Baby Face Nelson, a name given to him due to his youthful appearance was one of the most notorious and dangerous persons alive in the 1930's having been labeled along with other gang members such as Pretty Boy Floyd and Machine Gun Kelly as public enemy number one.

Looks can be deceiving and beneficial.
Honestly, what does a post count have to do with football knowledge? I've always wondered.

I know right?
I can't stand those douchebags with their thousands of posts acting like they know it all! They need to get a life!


Baby Face Nelson, a name given to him due to his youthful appearance was one of the most notorious and dangerous persons alive in the 1930's having been labeled along with other gang members such as Pretty Boy Floyd and Machine Gun Kelly as public enemy number one.

Looks can be deceiving and beneficial.

George (BabyFace) Nelson was a cut above other gangsters. Singlehandedly he killed more FBI agents than any criminal, I believe to this day. He died when he got fed up with them chasing him. Got out of his car walked right at them with machine gun blazing. Took a lot of hits himself but killed the whole batch. Died of his wounds. Heck of a guy. Would have made a great Vol because he was fearless.
A true Tennessee fan that has suffered through the past few years would view the glass as half full. There is just enough there that might keep you alive and possibly enough to quench your thirst, but probably not. Most likely a huge gust of wind will come along and spill it all over the ground.

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