#VolReport: Aug 18 Distractions

George (BabyFace) Nelson was a cut above other gangsters. Singlehandedly he killed more FBI agents than any criminal, I believe to this day. He died when he got fed up with them chasing him. Got out of his car walked right at them with machine gun blazing. Took a lot of hits himself but killed the whole batch. Died of his wounds. Heck of a guy. Would have made a great Vol because he was fearless.

Wish we had more guys like him! :ermm:
Wish we had more guys like him! :ermm: Wow. So you idolize that piece of ****?

Not really. But he was a mean mutha. Imagine we had a DB or OL-man with that mean streak.

As for ole George, bad as he was, many farmers liked him on account of how he made things bad for bankers. Taking deeds and mortgages during robberies and dumping them or destroying them. Bankers rigged things so as keep struggling farmers in debt or be forced to surrender their hand and property to settled forced debt. Kind of like what wall Street is screwing us with today.
pop quiz,


what is it?

Clearly this container has been engineered 100% over necessary capacity.
pop quiz,


what is it?

I heard Dooley explain the above in a press conference "The above is a collection of molecules each forming an angle, with hydrogen atoms at the tips and oxygen at the vertex. Since oxygen has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen, the side of the molecule with the oxygen atom has a partial negative charge. A molecule with such a charge difference is called a dipole. The charge differences cause the above molecules pictured to be attracted to each other (the relatively positive areas being attracted to the relatively negative areas) and to other polar molecules. This attraction is known as hydrogen bonding, and explains many of the properties of the above which our players are not properly combining with soap to their rags in the shower...It is all about process
Yes, the young lady is hot.

However I am more worried about the QB wearing the #12 who apparently was trying to throw that pass into the stands instead of to his WR. What the hell kind of throw was that?

Looked like he threw where the defender could not go. Great catch!
A true Tennessee fan that has suffered through the past few years would view the glass as half full. There is just enough there that might keep you alive and possibly enough to quench your thirst, but probably not. Most likely a huge gust of wind will come along and spill it all over the ground.


Since you're clearly a Floyd fan, BBC is commemorating the 40th anniversary of Darkside of the Moon next week, just wanted to give you a heads up.
Preview Darkside Video Animation for BBC R2 | Neptune Pink Floyd Blog
Wow, never thought I would get that much criticism over one post lol.

My only worry is that if he gets in that habit then its going to make it hard for the WR's to stay in bounds. I applaud Jacob Carter for the catch but staying in bounds catching an Out pattern is sometimes made harder by throws that are higher than they should be.

Just a thought.

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