I am barely old enough to remember the '70s when the "experts" were warning that human activity threatened to block so much of the suns warmth that it would trigger an ice age.
The fact is the climate changes. It cycles and that cycle has WAY more than enough power to account for ALL human activity. The world climate has cycled like this for ALL of history... it didn't just start with modern civilization. The FACT is that human activity is negligible... but that doesn't get grant money, sell books, or elect political alarmists.
The Ozone hole problem has fallen off the radar when only a few years ago it was supposedly threatening our existence on the planet. Science was sort of allowed to work on that one... and it now seems likely that it is a largely natural phenomenon. The "Climate Change" movement is NOTHING more than politics masquerading as science.
In short- You nailed it.
Exactly. Well said 18. I've seen the magazine covers from the early 70s warning of the impending doom of the ice age that was coming. Haha. Never happened.
The weather patterns are cyclical. I noticed very quickly that "they" changed the terminology from "global warming" to "climate change" once it was shown that the world in fact was not "warming", but began another cooling phase. Also, "climate change" is a more politically expedient term .... gives the political "scientists" and operatives more flexibility as the weather patterns naturally ebb and flow. Like I said earlier, fortunately for us, "global warming" now barely even registers as an electoral issue as more and more people see it for what it truly is.....a hoax.
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