Vols fans made quite the impression in Eugene

Classy post. I know alcohol does things to folks, but I've never understood why people are disrespectful to other fans. At the end of the day, it's just a game. Just support your team.
We went out for the game and had a blast. Duck fans treated us well. Very friendly and all of them said they were overwhelmed by the large turnout of Vol fans.

We played golf at Bandon Dunes for two days. We heard that half the tee sheet on Wednesday were groups from Tennessee. Lots of orange in Bandon for sure.

Oregon is one of my favorite states to visit. This was my third time there. Beautiful place. Wish it wasn't so far away.....
We went out for the game and had a blast. Duck fans treated us well. Very friendly and all of them said they were overwhelmed by the large turnout of Vol fans.

We played golf at Bandon Dunes for two days. We heard that half the tee sheet on Wednesday were groups from Tennessee. Lots of orange in Bandon for sure.

Oregon is one of my favorite states to visit. This was my third time there. Beautiful place. Wish it wasn't so far away.....

I'm working on a petition to have it moved closer. :hi:
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There is truth to that statement. My running joke with persons from Montana is to inform them that, because of the solitude and extraordinary natural beauty which surrounds them, I automatically regard them as closer to God than the average person.

Truth, period.
With a few minutes left in the game, one Vol fan I was sitting near stood up and turned around and loudly thanked all of the Duck fans nearby for being "the nicest fans" he had ever been around for a road game. A Duck fan sitting behind me responded with a sarcastic taunt about the SEC, to which the Vol said, "Don't worry, we'll have Bama waiting for you at the end of the season." I cringed and resisted the urge to throw something at my fellow Vol fan.

My good nature only goes so far.

? Didnt the duck fan say something first?
Everyone at my tailgate was incredibly impressed with Tennessee fans pre-game and post-game in Eugene. And, we were blown away how many Vols fans made the trip — especially considering you guys were heavy underdogs. It was really impressive. You guys represented better than most PAC-12 teams do... not even kidding.

The general consensus is Vols fans were some of the most friendly, passionate, and charming fans we've ever had out here.

Sorry the actual football game didn't go as well as you guys had probably hoped, but it won't be long before you guys are back near the top again. Hopefully a few years down the road we can have another home-and-home!

Thank you Duck! A class act! GBO!!
Was she hot?

Yes. Normally, a human's t6emperatire is 98.6 degrees. I've long suspected given what time of the month, women's temperature rises slightly above that. So the heat generated wouldn't boil water, being nearly 100 degrees is still hot. Mowing your lawn on a 98.6 degree day is accurate testimony to this fact. So again, the answer is YES. Next question.
Everyone at my tailgate was incredibly impressed with Tennessee fans pre-game and post-game in Eugene. And, we were blown away how many Vols fans made the trip — especially considering you guys were heavy underdogs. It was really impressive. You guys represented better than most PAC-12 teams do... not even kidding.

The general consensus is Vols fans were some of the most friendly, passionate, and charming fans we've ever had out here.

Sorry the actual football game didn't go as well as you guys had probably hoped, but it won't be long before you guys are back near the top again. Hopefully a few years down the road we can have another home-and-home!

I was at the game when it was in Knoxville and you all definitely presented a good face for the Oregon program.

I live in Southern Cali and all i ever hear is USC, I pray to God the Ducks destroy Kiffen and those over rated punks at USC.
Great post. Oregon is all class. I'm pulling for you guys to win the NC this year.
I pull for SEC except Bama, Florida and Vandy. Screw them. Kensucky doesn't count.
What a sweet post. Thank you for being so nice to us. We have become meek and mild thanks to our POS coaches of recent years. Thank you for your pity.
BTW, if you beat the crap outta that punk arse little clown Kiffy and take down the Crimson Tard, then I'm buying an Oregon ensemble.
Let me preface this by saying that I appreciate the Oregon fans for treating my Vol brethren well. I also appreciate my fellow Vols for making the cross country trip and showing the people of Eugene what it means to be a VFL.

That being said, it's a little disheartening that Duck fans were overly friendly toward our fans and on this board.
The point I'm making is that it's like us playing Austin-Peay. We aren't going to trash talk AP fans because we knew the game wouldn't be competitive so may as well be nice. That's how Duck fans were to us. Hopefully soon we get back to being competitive enough to incite some good barbs here and there prior and during the game. I love UT sports and it kills me that we are relegated to "poor old Tennessee" now.
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It's not a win for everybody in the SEC if Bama wins. Buck Fama

Dang straight! I mean c'mon - how many trophies did WE get when Bama won those titles? Only wimpy, loser fans get behind their conference big boys in a desperate attempt for a win. I would pull for Cuba over the Crimson Turd!

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