Vols one of the Kings of the BCS...barely

To an extent I wish there were no rankings until the season gets going. I mean come on they mean what..................Nothing!!!! Tennessee has been getting absolutley zero love from the media so far. ESPN ans SI has just threw us under the wheels so far.:mad:
I mean really...what does these pre season polls show???? College football is so unpredictable, it would be near impossible to preseason pick all the top teams as far as what they are going to do.
I mean really...what does these pre season polls show???? College football is so unpredictable, it would be near impossible to preseason pick all the top teams as far as what they are going to do.

It gives people a chance to brag about their preseason ranking.
About the only poll that I even put any thought into is the coach's poll. What are if any polls that you put any faith into?
Who cares about preasons polls. vols go 3-0 we are a legit top 5 team in the nation. so lets just worry about winning
oh just making sure. so they finally learned how to use the internet in Alabama eh? **** world is comig to full circle now. who would have thought.
Here's what really counts: the SEC pecking order for true powerhouse programs, looking back, today, and tomorrow........

1. Bama
2. UT
3. They can fight over it.

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