I'm not any more or less calm than I ever was, and my feelings are still the same. No, it's not the Heisman; but
the contest, it
is named "The USA TODAY High School Sports
Ultimate Athlete". So what is the
Ultimate high school Athlete?
First, what it is not- I don't feel an underclassman/woman has done enough yet to be considered. As to injury, to my way of thinking, hundreds and hundreds of high school athletes are injured playing their sport(s) every season. There are Orthopedic Sports Clinics set up every Friday night across the land for goodness sake. Lots of them work their way back through perseverance and determination. Is it worthy of recognition? Yes, locally. But rehabilitation from injury does not separate any one of them from the rest who are doing the same thing. Is it admirable? Darn straight! Is it exemplary? You betcha! Do I have empathy for the child? Certainly! Coming back from injury
does not separate these great kids from
all the rest of the high school athletes in the USA and should not become the determining criteria to be worthy of being elected by popular vote, America's High School
Ultimate Athlete. No, I think not. It's only a sympathy/pity vote, and for some few, could turn them to expecting/using sympathy/pity to get what they want.
What do I think are qualifiers for me to vote for a kid as the High School
Ultimate Athlete? An underclassman/woman who has set themselves apart by competing for their school in multiple sports on the varsity. One who has been recognized by sports organizations as All City, All Region, All State, and most importantly received
national recognition such as All American or it's equivalent. That they are determined to continue sports past high school. (For me, this alone separates out frosh and soph who may or may not continue. I have coached some great athletes who turned their energies to other things.) That they have character which shows in their grades and by what they have done outside of their sport(s).
Dillon (completely outside of his connections to Tennessee) has all these qualifications, every one. Re-read his bio. He
is worthy of the term America's High School Ultimate Athlete. As are several others is the various groups. But then, yeah, the VOLS connection does come into play. He is one of ours.
Side note-Did a similar thing in 1968 when our high school lost a "who gets in the most votes" radio station contest to win a real Civil War cannon. This was back when Tennessee had one and fired it after each TD. Lost to Clinton, but dude, did we fun, whole school got involved ('cept a few, like some on here, you couldn't drive a ten penny nail up their arse with a nine pound hammer). And
this contest should be
fun, not a pissing contest of who takes a jab at the old man who supports Dillon.
And very importantly, perhaps most importantly, this is something
he wants, or he wouldn't be entered. Based solely on what Dillon has done to help pull in this legacy class, the #2 recruiting class in CFB this year, I think VOL fans owe it to him to support him.
Dillon's lead is right at 3000 votes. That can evaporate in just a couple of hours.
It would be so easy to win it for him if folks would just