Vote for Smokey!!!! Capital One Mascot of the Year

Lets go Vol fans we can Beat that dang ole duck and the ducks all in the same day. VOTE NOW AND OFTEN!
They are pulling away again must have a bunch of homers sitting in moms basement voting again and again. Come on Vols you can vote more than once. Lets get that duck.
I got a dang error when I voted. I'm using Chrome. Anyone else having issues?
Our fanbase is sucking. We should be blowing them away. Just to let ya'll know we can vote more than once.
You just blatantly made a new thread about this, after bumping the other smokey thread all day?
I voted twice all ready but everyother time I've tried it says "this page doesn't exist."
This week is vs. the Duck too, so even more important to win that one!

Smokey is ahead but not by much!! VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!

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