Vote for Smokey!!!! Capital One Mascot of the Year

Ok guys this is something we can't take lightly. We were up by 300 now we are down by 30. Guess that means their fans are better than ours. Lets vote for Smokey and we can't vote once and quit. VOTE DANGIT!
when i vote i get

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when i vote i get

The page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavail
I checked it and it still works for me. Just go to and go from there. The site is easy to navigate.
They all in their treehuggin log cabins sleeping we need to get on them or are ya'll gonna let that queer duck beat our beloved Smokey!
Everyone needs to vote and vote all day.
We are 1500 votes behind. We need some Tennessee Pride.
Don't let Smokey lose to a Queer Duck!

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