Vote for Smokey!!!! Capital One Mascot of the Year

You can vote for free online without registering just pick a nickname.

Smokey is only down 400 votes and 44,000 have been cast at this point.
Don't let the cynical, pessimistic negavols get you down OUV2. They just think you are weird because you don't share their sense of ironic detatchment.
Not gonna happen, I'm a glass is half full personality. Tennessee has a chance every weekend, thats why they play the game.
Not gonna happen, I'm a glass is half full personality. Tennessee has a chance every weekend, thats why they play the game.
QUOTE=ManningBerry#1;3988566]I voted!!! screw that duck and his commercial spots!!![/QUOTE]

:lolabove:pluck the duck!

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