Vote for Smokey!!!! Capital One Mascot of the Year

Me and my ol girl have put in at least a thousand the past 4 days. Gotta love work... :)
Polls close Monday nite. 8-9 I think. Billing and Pricing:

Standard text messaging and data rates apply according to your individual rate plan provided by your wireless carrier. Check with your wireless carrier or review the terms of your wireless plan for details. Under no circumstances will Capital One, NA, its parent or its corporate subsidiaries or affiliates be responsible for any text messaging or wireless charges incurred by you or by a person who has access to your wireless device or telephone number.
Polls close Monday nite. 8-9 I think. Billing and Pricing:

Standard text messaging and data rates apply according to your individual rate plan provided by your wireless carrier. Check with your wireless carrier or review the terms of your wireless plan for details. Under no circumstances will Capital One, NA, its parent or its corporate subsidiaries or affiliates be responsible for any text messaging or wireless charges incurred by you or by a person who has access to your wireless device or telephone number.

The answer is no if you have unlimited text.:eek:k:
Bwahahaha.... too funny!

From their photos of Smokey:


  • smokeyhaha.jpg
    28.3 KB · Views: 62
I texted over 100 times yesterday and no spam yet.

Trust me, you're going to get spam. The minute you texted you took yourself off the mobile phone DNC list and entered the world of back door hell. You are now considered having a "business relationship" with the company you texted and any company they sell the number to (since they are getting paid) will also have a business relationship with you. They have 90 days from the minute you texted to call you and if you reply in any way it extends it another 90 days.
Trust me, you're going to get spam. The minute you texted you took yourself off the mobile phone DNC list and entered the world of back door hell. You are now considered having a "business relationship" with the company you texted and any company they sell the number to (since they are getting paid) will also have a business relationship with you. They have 90 days from the minute you texted to call you and if you reply in any way it extends it another 90 days.

Simple. Put yourself back on the DNC list. I voted last year and have voted on other things via text and have not been spammed.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I voted!!! screw that duck and his commercial spots!!!


How can we win against a Walt Disney character who everyone loves and in which Oregon stole and is using for their mascot.

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