Vote for tennessee on ultimate team. We face florida in the first round

A running back that rode Mike Irving and Aikman, and Novacek to the top. Not to mention that offensive line they had. They do not have a whole hell of a lot on defense either. All they really do have is a coach.

Watch the nfl network's "America's game" on the 1993 cowboys and emmitt smith's holdout....and the cowboys starting the season 0-2
Is the voting based on who was the best college player/team, or which college produced better NFL talent?

I couldn't figure that out either.

If it's just the best players, you don't make the team.

If it's based solely on production and college accomplishment, I can't leave you off the team.

You did win the Thorpe award after all
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I couldn't figure that out either.

If it's just the best players, you don't make the team.

If it's based solely on production and college accomplishment, I can't leave you off the team.

You did win the Thorpe award after all

Only because KSU's Chris Canty wasn't eligible, but yeah it's not like I was gonna turn down the Thorpe Award.

Plus, I made Joey Kent bite through his tongue. That's gotta be worth something.
Only because KSU's Chris Canty wasn't eligible, but yeah it's not like I was gonna turn down the Thorpe Award.

Plus, I made Joey Kent bite through his tongue. That's gotta be worth something.

Like we all havent heard this story a thousand times....

he had a large tongue, and he bit through it bc he wanted to. ......
Lets be honest, these polling contests are for children or 20 year old high school drop outs with snapbacks reppin the "U". They aren't going to know anyone on Tennesee's defense outside of EB and Haynseworth.
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based on college you may be right.The over all big picture you are wrong.Florida don't have any players that compare to white and manning.

You could argue Emmitt Smith's numbers and accomplishments trump Peyton Manning in the pros.

Reggie White is on a different planet from any defensive player to come out of argument there at all.
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A running back that rode Mike Irving and Aikman, and Novacek to the top. Not to mention that offensive line they had. They do not have a whole hell of a lot on defense either. All they really do have is a coach.

You must be talking about a different Dallas Cowboys team then the one I watched....
based on college you may be right.The over all big picture you are wrong.Florida don't have any players that compare to white and manning.

first of all, i was making the obligatory joke.

however, i didn't read the basis in how they picked guys.

was it based on nfl success? college success? etc.

arian foster is not close to the best back to play at tennessee, but may end up being the best professional who played at tennessee.

i think there would damn near universal agreement that there is no way in hell foster is one of the best two running backs to play at tennessee.

now right now, florida and tennessee both have two players enshrined in the pro football hall of fame. tennessee has an obvious 3rd who will go in 5 years after he retires.

alabama has 7 by the way and they are going down in this little thing they have going.
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by the way, southern cal has 11 hall of famers and troy polamalu and junior seau will be.

they are going to be knocked out of this thing by auburn. so, don't take this thing seriously.

they'd be able to run oj simpson and marcus allen behind an offensive line with ron yary, bruce matthews and anthony munoz.
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He is.

Emmitt was nothing more than a decoy for Aikman, Irvin and Novacek. Defenses spent so much time focusing on those guys, Emmitt wound up breaking Walter Payton's rushing record. :p

Greatest NFL Decoy ever....I'd kill for another one of those these past few years.
Go to the link and vote for the Vols against Florida. Losing right now. You have to have a twitter. You can stuff the ballots by deleting your tweet on your twitter site after each vote. Just open twitter in one tab and this site in another. Vote, delete, vote, delete...

ESPN Ultimate Team - ESPN
A running back that rode Mike Irving and Aikman, and Novacek to the top. Not to mention that offensive line they had. They do not have a whole hell of a lot on defense either. All they really do have is a coach.

Can't be serious. Maybe it's sarcasm and my meter is just malfunctioning since its before noon.

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