For what it's worth, you can votge as many times as you want, you just can't use the loophole. I didn't know about the loophole that let you voge numerous times without entering in a new code until Monday and I don't think that it ever worked for me - did it work for you guys? Were you using it - be honest, I am totally curious and nobody has anything to lose by just trying to straighten out what happened. Here is a post by one of our IT guys on what he figured out through reading the java script on the site somehow - anyways, it is a message to you guys that were visiting our board, but maybe some of y'all don't even know what the heck a Mean Green is...
From Smitty, a poster on
For the Tennessee voters watching our site:
I, and I think most UNT fans, do not believe you did anything wrong. There was a flaw in Athlon's website, probably somewhere in all that Javascript code. You exploited it, we exploited it. I do not believe anyone in either camp intended to cheat.
But here's just a theory on why the numbers changed so dramatically today:
For those who don't know, the "shortcut" being discussed was a flaw that allowed a voter to register multiple votes while typing in a vote code once, then hitting enter multiple times in rapid succession. The way the numbers flowed over the past week, I wonder - just wonder - if some Vols discovered the shortcut first, and hence the shortcut helped Ms. Manners to surge into the lead. A few days ago, Caris was up 8,000 or more, and in a weekend, the Vols overcame that lead and quickly built a 14,000-vote advantage.
That, in turn, inspired UNT members to increase their voting while still using the intended method - one click, one vote. Meanwhile, some of your members were using the shortcut, and hence casting votes that were later to be thrown out. Once a few UNT members discovered the shortcut, the difference in the real numbers had been established.
It is a shame that things turned in the manner they did. I thought the banter between us had been good natured and fairly respectful. You gave us our due, and we gave you yours. I still give you your due. It would have been better if the scoreboard had been accurate all along, and some people on this board are being poor front-runners. That's the way trash talk goes.
I also I have little doubt that you hear a lot worse from Auburn or Alabama or Florida fans, and I have no doubt that you give as good as you get. I am more disappointed to read on your board that your members who called Athlon to see what happened were apparently chastised by Athlon. That was uncalled for. After all, it was Athlon's mistake.
But despite Athlon's mistake, the playing field was level. The mistake existed for both sides. I have no idea who contacted Athlon. I don't think it was one of us. Perhaps Athlon just spotted the odd vote surges from both sides in the last few days and investigated. I hope that's what happened.
I want Caris and UNT to win this, but frankly I'll be glad when it's finished. It seems that Athlon's contest has sullied the spirit it intended to build.