Wacko Marjorie Green embraced by Trump, GOP leaders

Do you think she should be allowed in Congress? A 9/11 truther?

Seriously. Should she be allowed to be a member of Congress???
Why not? You’ve got democrat socialists in the House..... and idiots like Durbin, Hank Johnson, Swalwell and etc.
Yet where are all the democrat business owners? Democrats can be professional students and what not and that’s great.... but start their own business?...... nah
Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and Warren Buffett - all Democrat business owner billionaires - say Hi.
She denied that there was a plane that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11. Conservative writer Barbara Olson, popular on Fox, was killed.

How can you GOP shriekers be ok with this? The woman is a complete lunatic and should not be allowed to take office.

See Maxine Waters....and get back to us.
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I'm torn on this because it partially deprives her of the opportunity to show us what a complete moron she is.
Where there's a will, there's a way. She's repeatedly demonstrated she'll find multiple media outlets that will broadcast her foot-in-mouth fetish.
And big difference between saying stupid sh*t and being a stupid POS.
I have an 88 year old uncle who I saw over Christmas for the first time in several years. Having a conversation with him was so different than it was in the past, but I filtered it all through the prism of the person I knew him to be.

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