Wake up, Americans

Since Biden took office. Shall we revisit?

He’s trying to disarm us while planting huge groups of immigrants throughout the nation that they know nothing about.

He opened our borders to drug cartels and human trafficking

He aided our enemy.

Stopped and/or severely slowed production and distribution around the nation.

Enforced mandates as to claim us as his property

Provoked inflation to its highest in the last 40 years

Turned the people against one another

Infringed on free speech and continues to do so.

Promotes violence and even encourages it within his own countrymen s long as it’s within his agenda

Inflated numbers to create a pandemic that never really existed to the point they claim to create fear.

Has us on the brink of not only war but possibly nuclear with multiple countries.

And there’s quite a bit I know I’m forgetting off the top of my head. All this in his FIRST YEAR!

If that’s not explained well enough, you’ll never see the tyranny

edit: also the latest. Let’s not forget that crack pipes and needles are now funded by tax payers

Edit#2: forgot to mention his involvement with overseas dealings while he benefits
lol.........I stopped reading after your first sentence.
Well Luther, then look no farther than your own president to answer your question. I would imagine at least 40% believe this government is tyrannical as we speak and that number is growing every single day. What makes that number so impressive is the astonishing amount of Biden voters that have come to regret their votes.
You imagine incorrectly. You are a member of the radical 5-10%. I'm not sure what all you consume, but it's a toxic mix.
Please list the major life changes you have experienced in the past 2.75 years. I want to respond to *that*.

Bought a vacation home in Belize. Finally reached complete financial freedom with my wife. Did a lot of traveling. Made some killer commercial real estate investments. Renewed my vows. Talk away barkeep.

Let’s hear yours. Do you even have any? Or did you just hide in a bunker while wearing your hello kitty mask in the shower?
So are you seriously going to pull a Luther on this one and not read what you asked? Deflect and escape and you so often do?
I'll go back and read it. Before I do, I'm going to predict what you said and see how close I get.
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Police officer?
Was. Gave it up in 2017. QB coached since, until last year. But I had an opportunity that I took on about a year ago that has me traveling fixing issues at gas stations and I seem to do well. The reason I bring that up is because I get the opportunity to talk to people as I’m usually at any one gas station for 2-6 hours depending on its issues. In that time I get to talk to people from all walks of life. And what do you think THEY want to talk about? If I had to guess, 92% want to bitch about Biden, tyranny and overreach. Of course it ALWAYS starts with them filling their tanks and my response is ALWAYS a modest “at least we don’t have to read mean tweets”. My opinions don’t come from nowhere
Was. Gave it up in 2017. QB coached since, until last year. But I had an opportunity that I took on about a year ago that has me traveling fixing issues at gas stations and I seem to do well. The reason I bring that up is because I get the opportunity to talk to people as I’m usually at any one gas station for 2-6 hours depending on its issues. In that time I get to talk to people from all walks of life. And what do you think THEY want to talk about? If I had to guess, 92% want to bitch about Biden, tyranny and overreach. Of course it ALWAYS starts with them filling their tanks and my response is ALWAYS a modest “at least we don’t have to read mean tweets”. My opinions don’t come from nowhere
I'm glad you're happy and successful in your career.

Not having to deal with daily childish tweets full of insults and misinformation is certainly refreshing. I still find it odd that he was willing to sacrifice so much possible support for something so assinine.

He obviously thought the positive outweighed the negative. And we know what the positive in his mind was.
I'm glad you're happy and successful in your career.

Not having to deal with daily childish tweets full of insults and misinformation is certainly refreshing. I still find it odd that he was willing to sacrifice so much possible support for something so assinine.

He obviously thought the positive outweighed the negative. And we know what the positive in his mind was.
I'm miss those childish tweets. I'll trade that for what we have now 8 days a week. Tweets don't affect my life.
I'm miss those childish tweets. I'll trade that for what we have now 8 days a week. Tweets don't affect my life.
Tweets did affect your life. They rightfully made more people hate Trump and ultimately played a huge role in giving you Biden.
Since Biden took office. Shall we revisit?

He’s trying to disarm us while planting huge groups of immigrants throughout the nation that they know nothing about.

He opened our borders to drug cartels and human trafficking

He aided our enemy.

Stopped and/or severely slowed production and distribution around the nation.

Enforced mandates as to claim us as his property

Provoked inflation to its highest in the last 40 years

Turned the people against one another

Infringed on free speech and continues to do so.

Promotes violence and even encourages it within his own countrymen s long as it’s within his agenda

Inflated numbers to create a pandemic that never really existed to the point they claim to create fear.

Has us on the brink of not only war but possibly nuclear with multiple countries.

And there’s quite a bit I know I’m forgetting off the top of my head. All this in his FIRST YEAR!

If that’s not explained well enough, you’ll never see the tyranny

edit: also the latest. Let’s not forget that crack pipes and needles are now funded by tax payers

Edit#2: forgot to mention his involvement with overseas dealings while he benefits
Much of that has nothing to do with Biden and some aren't even true. Some were put in place decades ago. Wherever you copy/pasted that from should be removed from your reading list
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Much of that has nothing to do with Biden and some aren't even true. Some were put in place decades ago. Wherever you copy/pasted that from should be removed from your reading list
Oh? Please tell me which are not true and which have nothing to do with Biden.
Oh? Please tell me which are not true and which have nothing to do with Biden.
I'm not sure why are unique to Biden. I'm also pretty sure the last admin is guilty of just as many
For example:
The pandemic hysteria started before his election. Supply chain issues too
Inflation isn't solely on him
Rights have been eroding for a very long time
No one has touched initiation since Reagan's amnesty

Your list is just full of partisan nonsense. You should claim to have copied it to save some face
I'm not sure why are unique to Biden. I'm also pretty sure the last admin is guilty of just as many
For example:
The pandemic hysteria started before his election. Supply chain issues too
Inflation isn't solely on him
Rights have been eroding for a very long time
No one has touched initiation since Reagan's amnesty

Your list is just full of partisan nonsense. You should claim to have copied it to save some face
Save face while you’re sitting here defending the most tyrannical president in our history? You should be so bold as to call me out? WOW!

Every single thing I wrote is true and/or has become true in the last year. The only thing you have a very small point in is the fact that the fear began before his “election” but only because it was new and the fear of the unknown is the most powerful. Since, people have educated themselves and no longer “fear” it to the point they feel toilet paper is of the the most importance. Nice try.

Supply issues did not exist the way you’re trying to convince me of. There were new trucks on the lots at every dealer a year ago. Now you can barely get auto parts in a timely fashion, if at all. How do I know? My best friend owns a shop and lord forbid you need certain parts. His lot is crowded with cars and trucks he can’t get parts for as is every shop in town. Shelves were full at every grocery store and if they weren’t, it was a sign of mismanagement. We actually ran OUT OF GAS at the gas stations at one point within this last year and you’re trying to convince me that it’s been an issue all along? 🤦‍♂️
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Save face while you’re sitting here defending the most tyrannical president in our history? You should be so bold as to call me out? WOW!

Every single thing I wrote is true and/or has become true in the last year. The only thing you have a very small point in is the fact that the fear began before his “election” but only because it was new and the fear of the unknown is the most powerful. Since, people have educated themselves and no longer “fear” it to the point they feel toilet paper is of the the most importance. Nice try.

Supply issues did not exist the way you’re trying to convince me of. There were new trucks on the lots at every dealer a year ago. Now you can barely get auto parts in a timely fashion, if at all. How do I know? My best friend owns a shop and lord forbid you need certain parts. His lot is crowded with cars and trucks he can’t get parts for as is every shop in town. Shelves were full at every grocery store and if they weren’t, it was a sign of mismanagement. We actually ran OUT OF GAS at the gas stations at one point within this last year and you’re trying to convince me that it’s been an issue all along? 🤦‍♂️

Biden is not the most tyrannical president in our history. Not even close.

1. Lincoln
2. FDR

Biden is way down the list.
Save face while you’re sitting here defending the most tyrannical president in our history? You should be so bold as to call me out? WOW!

Every single thing I wrote is true and/or has become true in the last year. The only thing you have a very small point in is the fact that the fear began before his “election” but only because it was new and the fear of the unknown is the most powerful. Since, people have educated themselves and no longer “fear” it to the point they feel toilet paper is of the the most importance. Nice try.

Supply issues did not exist the way you’re trying to convince me of. There were new trucks on the lots at every dealer a year ago. Now you can barely get auto parts in a timely fashion, if at all. How do I know? My best friend owns a shop and lord forbid you need certain parts. His lot is crowded with cars and trucks he can’t get parts for as is every shop in town. Shelves were full at every grocery store and if they weren’t, it was a sign of mismanagement. We actually ran OUT OF GAS at the gas stations at one point within this last year and you’re trying to convince me that it’s been an issue all along? 🤦‍♂️
I'm not defending anyone just stating facts. You don't seem to like them and that's probably because you don't know them. Everything you write is true in one space - your head.

It's just a fact that inflation was coming. The previous economy was going to fall hard based on all indicators.

It's my job to understand and deal supply chain issues. My wife also does it and we built a house in the past year. For example, did you try and buy and appliance in the past 2 years? Plastic pipe? Garage doors? Furniture? Faucets? Lights? Issue in the chain aren't instant
If you say anything against the government’s narrative online, you can now be considered a terrorist.
National Terrorism Advisory System | Homeland Security
While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment: (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions;

Wonder if we should warn Freak to run. He's been harboring a lot of terrorists here. To think just a few short years ago we were only deplorables living in a land of free speech and thoughts which were protected from a potentially abusive government.

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