Wake up, Americans

Wonder if we should warn Freak to run. He's been harboring a lot of terrorists here. To think just a few short years ago we were only deplorables living in a land of free speech and thoughts which were protected from a potentially abusive government.
A govt that collected every single piece of data you produced. Hooray land of free speech and thoughts
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Just another great idea from the genius that was W. All of the soldiers that were either wounded physically or mentally in Iraq or Afghanistan should visit his ranch daily and thank him for his courage and honor. All of the citizens spied upon under the guise of HS should send him a thank you card daily

Bush Jr wasn't a very bright guy. Should be a lesson to all who believe in good things coming from ivy league universities. They are part of the power structure that opens doors for the "highly" educated intellectual flunkies they turn out. Past generations just plow money into endowments to insure that their kids have the right credentials to continue the screwing of America.
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A govt that collected every single piece of data you produced. Hooray land of free speech and thoughts

Lots of parallels between the Gestapo and some agencies - like NSA and FBI. Roland Freisler (Hitler's top judge) would be right at home managing FISA applications.
" (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions; "

I recall watching this happen with the FBI, CIA, DOJ in the last administration, culminating with kicking the legs out from under our election process. Lot's of folks roaming through the halls of this forum who are fully bought into and helped "proliferate false and misleading narratives."

Have you ever wondered why and what part of the Constitution makes it illegal to lie to the FBI? I've come to the conclusion that since it's so, anybody in their clutches should refuse to say anything to avoid entrapment - seems like they've become masters of asking the same question in different ways to interpret nuances as lying. This kind of thing would have made Nazis proud - not so much our Founding Fathers. Since you brought up the DOJ and especially the CIA, when haven't they lied to us?
This post reminds me of the protestor marching in Charlottesville, Virginia from August of 2017, who was asked by a Fox News reporter why he was opposed to the removal of Confederate General Robert E. Lee's statue and responded,

"Robert E. Lee was a true American patriot."

The word "patriot" has been bastardized by extremists who now use it to describe people that fight against the government, rather than people who support and defend their country.

Perhaps you should consider this quote - by Abraham Lincoln, and that patriots and traitors are generally simply defined by who won and who lost the struggle. Civil war and revolution are often two sides of the same coin depending on the viewpoint. Of course, once Abe had his hands on the power, he felt a little differently - that perspective thing again.

“Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right—a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can, may revolutionize, and make their own of so much of the territory as they inhabit."

ABRAHAM LINCOLN January 12, 1848
Have you ever wondered why and what part of the Constitution makes it illegal to lie to the FBI? I've come to the conclusion that since it's so, anybody in their clutches should refuse to say anything to avoid entrapment - seems like they've become masters of asking the same question in different ways to interpret nuances as lying. This kind of thing would have made Nazis proud - not so much our Founding Fathers. Since you brought up the DOJ and especially the CIA, when haven't they lied to us?

The fifth amendment makes it so you don't have to lie. Nothing in this world can compel you to assist into law enforcements investigations into you.

Also, never talk to cops - for any reason, ever.

This should be required in every Civics class from sea to shining sea.

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Is trump really so dumb, immature, and petty that he couldn't not tweet? Rhetorical question.

You supported the most shallow and tender president in history.

While more diplomatic channels are referable, isn't a twit (intentional misspelling) considered hip by the new generations? Otherwise Trump would have just been called an old white guy and not in touch with new technology. Speaking of witch (intentional again), it's ironic the queen of record destruction has been calling out Trump for record destruction.
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While more diplomatic channels are referable, isn't a twit (intentional misspelling) considered hip by the new generations? Otherwise Trump would have just been called an old white guy and not in touch with new technology. Speaking of witch (intentional again), it's ironic the queen of record destruction has been calling out Trump for record destruction.
I'm sure she's getting a good laugh. We just need thousands who will stand around for hours chanting "lock him up" at every democratic rally in '24.
I'm sure she's getting a good laugh. We just need thousands who will stand around for hours chanting "lock him up" at every democratic rally in '24.

"Lock her up" was prophetic and she should be as we are currently witnessing. Fact is you been sold a fraudulent bill of goods regarding Trump as a Russian agent, and you ate every ounce of it, when in fact it was your own party. Disgusting and all gloves off from here on out as far as I concerned.
If you say anything against the government’s narrative online, you can now be considered a terrorist.
National Terrorism Advisory System | Homeland Security
While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment: (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions;
I've thought about this more, and I think this is setting up the pretext to do what Canada is doing right now. The seizing of bank accounts of people who support dissenting political opinions and other authoritarian actions could be in our near future.

Yes, that would be a blatant violation of the 1st Amendment. Since when does the Constitution matter? The lockdowns and disgusting violations of rights in 2020 made it clear that it's just fine to throw it out the window in the name of perceived safety and security.
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"Lock her up" was prophetic and she should be as we are currently witnessing. Fact is you been sold a fraudulent bill of goods regarding Trump as a Russian agent, and you ate every ounce of it, when in fact it was your own party. Disgusting and all gloves off from here on out as far as I concerned.
The only thing prophetic about "lock her up" was the way it highlighted Trump's empty and manipulative promises that he never had one notion of keeping but knew would inflame the more mindless element of his base.
The only thing prophetic about "lock her up" was the way it highlighted Trump's empty and manipulative promises that he never had one notion of keeping but knew would inflame the more mindless element of his base.

Well he wasn't the King you said he was was he? He knew she and the apparatus spied on him, yet mocked. Well he was correct.
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The only thing prophetic about "lock her up" was the way it highlighted Trump's empty and manipulative promises that he never had one notion of keeping but knew would inflame the more mindless element of his base.

Sort of like every other president
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Hey Luthie... FYI, Sleepy Joe is the POTUS. Focus man, focus. This sheit show is on him, try to own it as well.
I'm good. Biden did all I ever expected him to do, beat Trump. (I was never a Biden supporter)
A thousand mile journey begins with a single step.
What a load of horse💩. You've carried more water for bixen than the DC sewer plant.
That just shows how much of a clue you DON'T have regarding my post history. (which is okay-almost admirable) but something which should keep you from making such grossly inaccurate accusations.

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