The USA prides itself on being a Christian country, but look at it.
In 2003, Bush and other political leadership sent our soldiers into Iraq. None of them got to experience a victory parade.
Christians say if you don't accept Jesus as your personal lord and savior before you die, you go to Hell. Pat Tillman never accepted Jesus as his personal lord and savior. And he's dead.
Christians threw a tantrum when non-Christians refused to wear a yellow ribbon in support of American invasions. Yet their prayers to Jesus were worthless as Pat Tillman got killed and the ones who survived left behind $80+ billion in weapons to the Taliban in a very humiliating defeat after years of braggadocio.
Charles Manson could've probably typed a more coherent argument than most posts on here. Look at how many Americans on here type out that we should stick our noses into the business of all other countries when the USA is a crime-riddled pathetic mess with low literacy rates, obese people, "baby mamas" with kids from various "baby daddies," an opioid epidemic, BLM riots, and so on.