War in Ukraine

Without nukes, russia is a second-tier world economic power and a regional second rate military power. The russian military culture is bankrupt, as it is dominated by paranoia, incompetence, and a drive to homicide of non-combatants. It lacks any knowledge or desire for proper logistics planning, and is utterly incapable of combined-arms engagement on a modern battlefield. It's senior leadership is essentially alcoholic political sycophants, and the poor ground troops are ill trained conscripts, or recently released criminals.

The Russian people deserve better, but sadly their own culture allows for resignation even in the face of such murderous corruption, kleptocracy, and outright incompetence.

If only they had truly embraced the opportunity presented in 1989. And if only we had possessed the foresight to more fully encourage such embrace.

Ukraine, with NATO assistance, has thoroughly dominated the battlespace and kicked the russian military's teeth in. I actually and literally laugh when people talk aboiut a russia-NATO conflict. Without nukes, that would be an amazingly short and brutal war, but at least the conventional russian military would finally be utterly destroyed.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.
Without nukes, russia is a second-tier world economic power and a regional second rate military power. The russian military culture is bankrupt, as it is dominated by paranoia, incompetence, and a drive to homicide of non-combatants. It lacks any knowledge or desire for proper logistics planning, and is utterly incapable of combined-arms engagement on a modern battlefield. It's senior leadership is essentially alcoholic political sycophants, and the poor ground troops are ill trained conscripts, or recently released criminals.

The Russian people deserve better, but sadly their own culture allows for resignation even in the face of such murderous corruption, kleptocracy, and outright incompetence.

If only they had truly embraced the opportunity presented in 1989. And if only we had possessed the foresight to more fully encourage such embrace.

Ukraine, with NATO assistance, has thoroughly dominated the battlespace and kicked the russian military's teeth in. I actually and literally laugh when people talk aboiut a russia-NATO conflict. Without nukes, that would be an amazingly short and brutal war, but at least the conventional russian military would finally be utterly destroyed.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

@Rasputin_Vol and @volgr are our resident gas station attendents...

quote-russia-is-a-gas-station-masquerading-as-a-country-john-mccain-64-64-03 (1).jpg
I'm going off what people like your fellow MIC Cultists Burhead and Septic have stated themselves in this thread.
Gonna have to read me in on your "MIC Cultists" definition. I'm not up to date on your Russian troll lingo, just your typical tactics.
Without nukes, russia is a second-tier world economic power and a regional second rate military power. The russian military culture is bankrupt, as it is dominated by paranoia, incompetence, and a drive to homicide of non-combatants. It lacks any knowledge or desire for proper logistics planning, and is utterly incapable of combined-arms engagement on a modern battlefield. It's senior leadership is essentially alcoholic political sycophants, and the poor ground troops are ill trained conscripts, or recently released criminals.

The Russian people deserve better, but sadly their own culture allows for resignation even in the face of such murderous corruption, kleptocracy, and outright incompetence.

If only they had truly embraced the opportunity presented in 1989. And if only we had possessed the foresight to more fully encourage such embrace.

Ukraine, with NATO assistance, has thoroughly dominated the battlespace and kicked the russian military's teeth in. I actually and literally laugh when people talk aboiut a russia-NATO conflict. Without nukes, that would be an amazingly short and brutal war, but at least the conventional russian military would finally be utterly destroyed.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.
He’s a Libertarian socialist Curly. I’ve covered it. So is Spooner. His views are not mainstream American Libertarianism. He’s a socialist libertarian like you. Well you’re just a socialist I believe 😂
And apparently you can't read. Tucker first coined the term here in the U.S. Which means that Tucker is the founder of Libertarianism here in the U.S. Which is why Mises and Cato both admire the guy along with many prominent Libertarian thinkers. Tucker's idol was Proudhon. And from what I can tell Tucker and Spooner advocated for small government or very limited government.

So hate to inform you of this but Libertarianism has its roots from anarchism and socialism. That might not be what you want to hear but it's correct.
I did post a link to their platform. I have done it twice. I even directly quoted them. And besides you clearly know so much about them you should be able to speak directly and specifically to their beliefs on your own. You know since you care so much about the truth, and have a much better attention span than me. Come on lay some truth on me if you dare.

And you are defaulting to something I already covered. They may be "more" socially conservative than us in SOME areas but that doesnt make them actually socially conservative. You are avoiding the fact they wsnt to FORCE everyone to fit their mold, and only care about a "traditional family" as a means of serving the collective good. That's not conservative at all. And the only reason they care about the "tradition" is because that is how little Russians are made. All of the "good" they champion is the good of their Communism. They have a declining population, need more workers, need good little soldiers and society members to serve their real version of Communism. It's got nothing to do with a moral good.

And I even said they were nationalist, and that you hated it in Ukraine, Banderas, but love it in Communism. And with their consistent references to Stalin you clearly dont care about actual atrocities and who the Russians align to.

Again you go straight back to twisting and deflecting.
Your directly quoted only a small part of it. That's what people like you and Dallas do. Only take small chunks from a document or book and mold it into your narrative.

All I'm trying to prove is that they are a socially conservative party. That's it. Which is correct by the way. You, along with your pal Dallas, are simply trying to create an argument that never existed. Furthermore it's hard for you all to process new information because you both are too far set in your ways.
And apparently you can't read. Tucker first coined the term here in the U.S. Which means that Tucker is the founder of Libertarianism here in the U.S. Which is why Mises and Cato both admire the guy along with many prominent Libertarian thinkers. Tucker's idol was Proudhon. And from what I can tell Tucker and Spooner advocated for small government or very limited government.

So hate to inform you of this but Libertarianism has its roots from anarchism and socialism. That might not be what you want to hear but it's correct.
LMAO it means no such thing. It predates Tucker back to Europe, to your form of socialist Liberianism. Even your own post shows that, as usual. 😂 Hey at least you own in the last paragraph that your brand is socialism. That’s progress. However it doesn’t define American Libertarianism. You fail to deliver. Again. Just like always. You’re dismissed early today Curly. 🤡
Your directly quoted only a small part of it. That's what people like you and Dallas do. Only take small chunks from a document or book and mold it into your narrative.
Thats rich as hell based on the butchering you’ve done on your American libertarianism stupidity. Once again a disingenuous lying troll Curly.

English is a Germanic language. I don’t speak German though and English is it’s own stand alone language.
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Who wants to bet this conversation took place over the past week?

Biden Handler: Guys the American people are starting to question al the money we're sending over. We need to do something or the skim will end.
Putin: Bring potato head over to Ukraine and have him mumble some harsh words, make some threats and promise complete support. I'll give a speech too.
Zelinski: Yeah that sounds good, as long as the checks keep coming I'm in.
Biden Handler: Y'all will need to rattle some more sabers, Puttie what are you thinking? Moldova/Transnistria can you stir up some ish over that?
Zelinski: Yeah that sounds.......
Putin/Biden Handler: Shut up and just do as your told.

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