War in Ukraine

Care share Spooner and Tucker's thoughts on wages?

And the first American Libertarian was Benjamin Tucker. He first coined the term. What about that is hard for you to understand? You admitted he was a socialist. So Libertarianism was formed from socialism, anarchism and mutualism. I know this hurts your feelings but it's the truth. Whether you like it or not.
Your views on wages are socialist. You say you don’t want a mandated wage you just think employers should be forced to support a certain amount of wages. Those are your words I quoted the post. You’re unaware of your own views.

You claim those views are supported by the libertarian party. I show they clearly are not. In the last two POTUS elections both libertarian candidates said no to all federally mandated wage scales.

You’ve lost the original argument at this point so you pivot to the American libertarian party is actually socialist. Your basis is someone used a word = birthing a whole ideology. That person was a socialist. Ipso facto American Libertarianism is socialist. It isn’t. And your argument doesn’t support your conclusion. Again. Like always.

You’re now having a debate with yourself. In this process you admit you’re a socialist. (My original assertion)

You lose this argument after tripling down because it doesn’t support your conclusion.

In the end I was right. You’re a socialist. And you lost an argument you were having with yourself 😂🤡

Edit: I just stole this from BV as it directly applies to your argument with yourself. Which again you lost. Also BTW ipso facto also has its own logical fallacy. Its actuality called post hoc, ergo propter hoc. And your equality claim also falls in that category. A twofer fallacy for you!

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Without nukes, russia is a second-tier world economic power and a regional second rate military power. The russian military culture is bankrupt, as it is dominated by paranoia, incompetence, and a drive to homicide of non-combatants. It lacks any knowledge or desire for proper logistics planning, and is utterly incapable of combined-arms engagement on a modern battlefield. It's senior leadership is essentially alcoholic political sycophants, and the poor ground troops are ill trained conscripts, or recently released criminals.

The Russian people deserve better, but sadly their own culture allows for resignation even in the face of such murderous corruption, kleptocracy, and outright incompetence.

If only they had truly embraced the opportunity presented in 1989. And if only we had possessed the foresight to more fully encourage such embrace.

Ukraine, with NATO assistance, has thoroughly dominated the battlespace and kicked the russian military's teeth in. I actually and literally laugh when people talk aboiut a russia-NATO conflict. Without nukes, that would be an amazingly short and brutal war, but at least the conventional russian military would finally be utterly destroyed.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

Well put.
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Dumb Russians don't want that. How stupid are you people?

What do you get paid to say all this nonsense? I certainly hope you aren't sacrificing your dignity for free.

The last things the Russians want is Poland directly involved. They surely aren't that stupid. Think NATO aid to Ukraine is bad? Wait and see what happens if Russia makes a move on Poland. The Ruskies are done then.
The last things the Russians want is Poland directly involved. They surely aren't that stupid. Think NATO aid to Ukraine is bad? Wait and see what happens if Russia makes a move on Poland. The Ruskies are done then.
WTF is NATO going to do? They're already running out of weapons. You really think the US is going to go any further for the Poles than they have for the Ukrainians?
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WTF is NATO going to do? They're already running out of weapons. You really think the US is going to go any further for the Poles than they have for the Ukrainians?
Then what have you got to worry about Moe. You always seem to be trying to convince yourself more than anyone else with these idiotic claims.
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Well they got their hands full with Ukraine currently and are begging Iran, North Korea, and China for weapons. They are clearly a first rate outfit.

Yeah, they have been "begging for weapons" for over 6 months according to some of you, yet they continue to bombard Ukraine. Do you guys ever self evaluate or nah?
Yeah, they have been "begging for weapons" for over 6 months according to some of you, yet they continue to bombard Ukraine. Do you guys ever self evaluate or nah?
Of course Ukraine needed weapons. It's the fact the Russian are asking for China, Iran, and North Korea for assistance makes them laughable and beyond second rate. Quick question about this situation: Would you say Russia is on schedule, ahead of schedule, behind schedule, or grossly laughably absurdly behind schedule in this "military operation." The answer to this tells you all you need to know.

Yes. I was wrong on Ukraine being close to folding last summer due to underestimating the lengths the West would go to prop them up and keep them fighting. Also was wrong on them being able to conduct successful offensives which they did in Kharkov.

US to provide $10 billion aid to Ukraine in coming days, says Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

The US will provide additional economic assistance of $10 billion to Ukraine in the coming days, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Thursday.

At a media briefing held on the sidelines of the first G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ (FMCBG) Meet, she said that the United States had already provided 46 billion dollars in security, economic and humanitarian aid.

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