If the missel cannot steer to hit a moving target it's going to have a hard time hitting anything at sea.
The Vulkans are anti-ship missiles, yes, they can hit moving targets today at about 2-3 mach. Those are considered supersonic, both China and Russia are developing hypersonic anti-ship missiles. But all that is immaterial, as seen in this war those large ships are venerable to drones both air and water based, let alone sub-drones that are underdevelopment. (see this thread for details, as there many examples of these large vessels being outdated for new warfare)
Large vessels are generally outdated at this point i.e. venerable.
United States ships will burn too, just like the Abrahams burn. There are no wonder weapons, all of these large expensive systems become less valuable in a real war.
Why even talk about hypersonic, they're venerable to slow drones, as seen in this thread, now add a nuclear reactor.
Things will have to generally be smaller and cheaper in a real war, as all of these things are venerable to relatively cheap weapons. All of this was pointed out by Congress as far as tactical nuclear weapons back in the 90s, which I have previously posted multiple times. Same concept here.