War in Ukraine

in land area they are the largest country, but only the 9th most populous, and 200th or so in population density. Its not about what they "should" have except for being self supportive. and since you bring up viruses that is what Russia is doing. They aren't productive enough on their own so they are having to spread into another host to get resources they don't have themselves. the new host is fighting back, and it remains to be seen if the virus will come out stronger for it.

in both humanity's and Russia's cases the need to spread like a virus is largely due to lack of self efficiency. its just a simple fact of nature that it is more efficient to get what you need from someone/something else than it is to do it yourself. its why the food chain exists. largely humanity has figured out how to do this with relatively little bloodshed, but there are plenty of exceptions.

60% is definitely too much of a draw back. you are talking about worse than the black death. some draw back is probably needed, but 60% would collapse the system. as with the above, we need to get more efficient at our own processes and make sure we are self sustaining and self reliant.

Its not a hard question, what is the population they should have?

Just because technically you can cram additional virus cells into the dish doesn't mean humans have a better quality of life. You are missing the point as to the virus i.e. overpopulation. There is no new host, this planet is what you have. Throwing out how big they are doesn't mean anything, what should their population be? They seem to be doing just fine over there.

but 60% would collapse the system. as with the above

The system is going to collapse than you have the 60% reduction. Right now a vast majority of the population is either non-productive or worse a drag on everyone's life. The collapse is going to happen regardless of your population. What you are describing is exactly that, a percentage of humans that come from certain parts of the world overpopulate like a virus. Eventually, the collapse causes a huge collapse or liquidation of the viruses in the petri dish.

Once you remove the United States dollar as the reserve currency, what are the chances a vast majority of the United States becomes Mad Max? You live on a finite planet, population growth will at some point plummet down globally.

Russia seems to be doing fine, which is the problem, right? 😂I don't think importing third world trash really helps, but you do you. Humans don't have the ability to grow exponentially long term, a 100 years or so. Once the system collapses, those places are not the places one is going to want to be, imo. There is no way Asia can support 4-5 billion without a functioning credit system, but that is a whole other discussion.

All this immigration and war is desperation on something that has basically run its course. We live on a finite planet.
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Ukraine war: Force Russia to make peace, Zelensky urges West

Well, I finally have some things that I agree with but he doesn't do anything that reflects the reality of what he is actually saying.

Mr Zelensky has long said he will not negotiate with Russia directly until Moscow's forces leave all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea.

Okay, so what you are saying is you don't really want peace i.e. settlement?

His call, however, comes as Russia makes gains against Ukraine, with Kyiv suffering from a shortage of Western-supplied weapons.

So, your position is getting weaker by the day but you are not interested in negotiating?

Russia, President Zelensky said, was dropping some 3,200 guided aerial bombs on Ukraine each month.

"How do you fight that?" he asked reporters in Madrid where he met Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.

Exactly, I agree, I don't have a solution. So now what? You already claimed you are not going to negotiate.

"We need to work together and put pressure not only on Russia, but also on our partners to give us the opportunity to defend ourselves against Russia," the Ukrainian leader said.

That has already been tried and you already said "how do you fight that". He answers his own questions.

It’s why President Zelensky previously published a “10-point peace plan” which includes the complete withdrawal of Russian forces and guarantees against future Russian aggression.

But there is no incentive for any peace plan from either side, as he states in his prior comments.

Basically, what he is saying is nobody has a solution, they will lose, the Ukraine will be liquidated because either coming up with a settlement or surrender is not an option.





Basically, hinted at by other Russian officials in previous months. I would say they are moving on from negotiating with the Comedian. Whether valid or not is not very material. Its probably best to actually make this come to a real final conclusion. This will just continue to be a problem in the future otherwise, imo.

Now regarding the legitimacy of the Ukrainian government. Indeed, a serious, in-depth analysis needs to be carried out. But the first thing that is visible, and what my colleagues report to me, is this: the Constitution of Ukraine provides for the extension of powers, but only of the Rada. The Ukrainian constitution says nothing about extending the powers of the president. Second. Indeed, the Ukrainian law on the legal status of the law on martial law states that presidential elections are not held during martial law. But this does not mean that they are prolonged. They (elections) are not carried out. But who said that they should be prolonged? There is nothing about this in the constitution. But there is Article 111 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which says that in this case the powers of the supreme power, in fact, presidential powers, are transferred to the speaker of parliament. Moreover, under the conditions of the martial law law, the powers of parliament are extended. This is such a preliminary analysis, we need to take a closer look... Some experts say that there are contradictions between the Constitution, which only talks about the extension of the powers of the Rada under martial law, and the law that I just talked about, the law of 2016, which determines the legal status of martial law. There, as I already said, I will repeat, the point is that presidential elections are not being held, but nowhere is it said that they are being extended, and this is a problem. The whole point is that, at its core, Ukrainian statehood is based not on the idea of a presidential republic, but on the idea of a parliamentary-presidential republic, and the main levers of power are concentrated in the representative body of the state. Therefore, it is quite logical that the Constitution itself and other legal acts that were adopted on its basis are structured this way. Therefore, strictly speaking, according to preliminary estimates, the only power remains the parliament and the speaker of the Rada. And so, by and large, if they wanted to hold presidential elections, they would have to cancel the martial law law, that’s all, and hold elections. Well, they didn’t want to do this for a number of reasons. But I think, that this has nothing to do with the Constitution, that perhaps the idea of today’s owners of Ukraine, they are overseas, is to place the burden of making all unpopular decisions on the current executive branch. Including making a decision to further lower the draft age. It was 27, now it is 25, the next one should be 23 or immediately 18 years old. And after this and other unpopular decisions are made, representatives of the executive branch, I think, will be replaced by people who will not have this responsibility on their shoulders for decisions made that are unpopular among the people. They'll just switch them, that's all. If this is the idea, then, in principle, then the logic is clear. Well, let's see what happens next. But just as I said in Minsk, the political and legal system of Ukraine itself must finally formulate this situation and give an answer to what is happening in Ukraine. Here, in fact, it seems to me that it is not so difficult. I repeat for the third time, the law of 2016 says that presidential elections cannot be held under martial law, but nowhere does it say that these powers are extended.
Its not a hard question, what is the population they should have?

Just because technically you can cram additional virus cells into the dish doesn't mean humans have a better quality of life. You are missing the point as to the virus i.e. overpopulation. There is no new host, this planet is what you have. Throwing out how big they are doesn't mean anything, what should their population be? They seem to be doing just fine over there.

The system is going to collapse than you have the 60% reduction. Right now a vast majority of the population is either non-productive or worse a drag on everyone's life. The collapse is going to happen regardless of your population. What you are describing is exactly that, a percentage of humans that come from certain parts of the world overpopulate like a virus. Eventually, the collapse causes a huge collapse or liquidation of the viruses in the petri dish.

Once you remove the United States dollar as the reserve currency, what are the chances a vast majority of the United States becomes Mad Max? You live on a finite planet, population growth will at some point plummet down globally.

Russia seems to be doing fine, which is the problem, right? 😂I don't think importing third world trash really helps, but you do you. Humans don't have the ability to grow exponentially long term, a 100 years or so. Once the system collapses, those places are not the places one is going to want to be, imo. There is no way Asia can support 4-5 billion without a functioning credit system, but that is a whole other discussion.

All this immigration and war is desperation on something that has basically run its course. We live on a finite planet.
Russia is having to import soldiers. they have been hiring Iranians, Indians, and many central Asians. They have relied on imported labor in the past, not associated with the war, from both NK and China. so no they are not doing just fine. they are doing just fine in a war with a weaker neighbor. but that hasn't changed the overall trajectory of their nation.

The point is that the population has to be big enough, or well enough managed, to support itself. Russia can not support itself at the moment. it has a declining population, before the war. They are declining because they don't have the manpower to access the resources to support themselves. unless its a very selective 60%, or whatever, reduction you are going to have system issues. you have to HOPE that 60% comes out from your undesirables ONLY, which simply won't happen. removing that 60%, or even just cutting welfare, cuts a huge percentage of what the upper middle relies on.

we can easily support our current population. we aren't for various numbers of reasons, the largest is our elected politicians have figured out they can bribe enough people to keep voting for them. but that doesn't mean we can't. another big lie is that everyone, everywhere has to have the same lifestyle as an upper middle class American or else they are oppressed. but one big issue is lack of efficiency from those with the means to support themselves, and no one is talking about that.
Russia is having to import soldiers. they have been hiring Iranians, Indians, and many central Asians. They have relied on imported labor in the past, not associated with the war, from both NK and China. so no they are not doing just fine. they are doing just fine in a war with a weaker neighbor. but that hasn't changed the overall trajectory of their nation.

The point is that the population has to be big enough, or well enough managed, to support itself. Russia can not support itself at the moment. it has a declining population, before the war. They are declining because they don't have the manpower to access the resources to support themselves. unless its a very selective 60%, or whatever, reduction you are going to have system issues. you have to HOPE that 60% comes out from your undesirables ONLY, which simply won't happen. removing that 60%, or even just cutting welfare, cuts a huge percentage of what the upper middle relies on.

we can easily support our current population. we aren't for various numbers of reasons, the largest is our elected politicians have figured out they can bribe enough people to keep voting for them. but that doesn't mean we can't. another big lie is that everyone, everywhere has to have the same lifestyle as an upper middle class American or else they are oppressed. but one big issue is lack of efficiency from those with the means to support themselves, and no one is talking about that.

The United States is importing workers so.... of course, its not working anymore i.e. they don't even work anymore. The United States actually does use foreign troops, when I was in the military there were foreigners serving in the United States military. Many of positions are now outsourced to civilian contractors even armed ones and those many times involve foreign employees.


Some nations import their whole work force, so what? UAE Heck, Saudi Arabia is damn well close to it at times.

What is the correct population they should have?

They have relied on imported labor in the past, not associated with the war, from both NK and China. so no they are not doing just fine

I hate to tell you man, but if imports from China stop coming here... your life will change very rapidly and not for the better. Russia seems to be doing well, which is what the problem is.... you don't like it. What you are describing is globalism. If you think Russia would do poorly if cutoff from China, one can only imagine how poorly it would turn out for the United States. The United States is supported by the rest of the world through the reserve currency, it would collapse overnight without the United States printing money and sending it the other countries for their products.

I would say North Korea and Russia are probably the most self-sustainable places as they are virtually cut off from the majority of the global monetary scam, probably followed by Iran and Syria.

Its actually you that live at the ability of foreigners having to produce stuff for you.

This sounds eerily familiar to all the nonsense stuff at the beginning of the conflict - Russia can't produce, its just a gasoline station masquerading as a country, they only produce shovels, etc. Russia is virtually cut off from a good portion of trade but somehow you have it in your head that they haven't successfully detached to a degree. Its you that can't detach from the global scheme i.e. globalization.

You are kind of not even making sense within your own post(s), you are saying they are not able to provide for themselves in one instance than saying they aren't capitalizing on global trade from resources i.e. globalization. One involves being self-sustaining and the other less so, meaning international trade i.e. reliance on others.

Russia seems to be doing pretty good, will that last, well probably not at this pace. They can feed themselves, they can supply their own energy, etc. They have trade surplus even with the stupid sanctions.
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The United States is importing workers so.... of course, its not working anymore i.e. they don't even work anymore. The United States actually does use foreign troops, when I was in the military there were foreigners serving in the United States military. Many of positions are now outsourced to civilian contractors even armed ones and those many times involve foreign employees.


Some nations import their whole work force, so what? UAE Heck, Saudi Arabia is damn well close to it at times.

What is the correct population they should have?

I hate to tell you man, but if imports from China stop coming here... your life will change very rapidly and not for the better. Russia seems to be doing well, which is what the problem is.... you don't like it. What you are describing is globalism. If you think Russia would do poorly if cutoff from China, one can only imagine how poorly it would turn out for the United States. The United States is supported by the rest of the world through the reserve currency, it would collapse overnight without the United States printing money and sending it the other countries for their products.

I would say North Korea and Russia are probably the most self-sustainable places as they are virtually cut off from the majority of the global monetary scam, probably followed by Iran and Syria.

Its actually you that live at the ability of foreigners having to produce stuff for you.

This sounds eerily familiar to all the nonsense stuff at the beginning of the conflict - Russia can't produce, its just a gasoline station masquerading as a country, they only produce shovels, etc. Russia is virtually cut off from a good portion of trade but somehow you have it in your head that they haven't successfully detached to a degree. Its you that can't detach from the global scheme i.e. globalization.

You are kind of not even making sense within your own post(s), you are saying they are not able to provide for themselves in one instance than saying they aren't capitalizing on global trade from resources i.e. globalization. One involves being self-sustaining and the other less so, meaning international trade i.e. reliance on others.

Russia seems to be doing pretty good, will that last, well probably not at this pace. They can feed themselves, they can supply their own energy, etc. They have trade surplus even with the stupid sanctions.
if things are going so well for Russia why is their population declining? Never, in the history of all human civilization, has a declining population been a sign of a succeeding nation, or one that is improving its economy.

Russia needs its own resources too. resources that go towards supporting the civilian population. the wartime economy is a lie, shifting that much of the manufacturing away from civilian products is going to hurt in the long run, especially with a population already in decline. the ONLY reason it worked out for the US after WW2 is because we were literally the only industrialized nation that wasn't destroyed by the war. every other nation went through an economic decline, just like with WW1 where it did hit everywhere. Germany was producing more weapons and tanks and military equipment at the end of WW2 than it was at any point previously. didn't stop them from having an economic collapse after the war. Once that government spending is gone, there is nothing to support the buying. and the civilians won't be buying tanks and guns.

this isn't a discussion about the US. I have said it many times, if you want to complain about the US go start a thread about it, and stop trolling in this one. I even mentioned we had our own problems, but that is not the discussion, you are just trying to deflect.
if things are going so well for Russia why is their population declining? Never, in the history of all human civilization, has a declining population been a sign of a succeeding nation, or one that is improving its economy.

"Successful" is one in which people are generally happy, have what they need, and maybe have some of the stuff they want. They seem better off than the people living in the crap hole cities here.

Now you are speaking for all the history of human civilization. 😂 It seems successful to me. What you are doing is a called a strawman.

shifting that much of the manufacturing away from civilian products is going to hurt in the long run, especially with a population already in decline

The United States has really no manufacturing left, it left over the last 60 years. So what? Obviously products are not needed. The United States is simple a bank at this point.

this isn't a discussion about the US. I have said it many times, if you want to complain about the US go start a thread about it, and stop trolling in this one. I even mentioned we had our own problems, but that is not the discussion, you are just trying to deflect.

This isn't a discussion on population growth or your strange obsession to be a virus. I didn't bring up all this population growth nonsense. If you don't like the comparisons than maybe you could exit the discussion or you can go start a thread about it, and stop trolling in this one with nonsense.

See... you are not worried about them, you are worried about you. And you should be. Projecting.

At the end of the day, things appear good there, they have plenty of food, have a good economy, willing to supply Africa with food, have plenty of energy.... and aren't living with a bunch of third world scum. LOL Seem like they are either the most self-sustaining economies in the world or very close to it.

What you are describing is a virus mentality, there are only so many virus cells that can fit on the planet. Who the **** would want to live in India? You pick India, I'll pick Russia.... good luck. You can write me and tell me how successful they are.


There are poor people in Russia and poor areas there as well, but most of the time at least its real dirt instead of human fecal matter. Successful? Self-sustainable?

Both places are very inhabitable - one because of nature, and one because of humans (virus).
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"Successful" is one in which people are generally happy, have what they need, and maybe have some of the stuff they want. They seem better off than the people living in the crap hole cities here.

Now you are speaking for all the history of human civilization. 😂 It seems successful to me. What you are doing is a called a strawman.

The United States has really no manufacturing left, it left over the last 60 years. So what? Obviously products are not needed. The United States is simple a bank at this point.

This isn't a discussion on population growth or your strange obsession to be a virus. I didn't bring up all this population growth nonsense. If you don't like the comparisons than maybe you could exit the discussion or you can go start a thread about it, and stop trolling in this one with nonsense.

See... you are not worried about them, you are worried about you. And you should be. Projecting.

At the end of the day, things appear good there, they have plenty of food, have a good economy, willing to supply Africa with food, have plenty of energy.... and aren't living with a bunch of third world scum. LOL Seem like they are either the most self-sustaining economies in the world or very close to it.

What you are describing is a virus mentality, there are only so many virus cells that can fit on the planet. Who the **** would want to live in India? You pick India, I'll pick Russia.... good luck. You can write me and tell me how successful they are.


There are poor people in Russia and poor areas there as well, but most of the time at least its real dirt instead of human fecal matter. Successful? Self-sustainable?

Both places are very inhabitable - one because of nature, and one because of humans (virus).

If you think the US isn't producing anything, then you really shouldn't be talking about Russia's manufacturing. The US has more people in our manufacturing industry, and we produce a value of about 10x what Russia does. so either way you want to look at it we are doing more than Russia is.

Russia: "Under 10 million employees had an occupation in the manufacturing sector of the country."
US: 12 million

Russia (2021) manufacturing value: 236 Billion
US (2021) manufacturing value: 2.4 Trillion

we are still #2, Russia doesn't even make the top 10 list. so yeah we aren't the biggest manufacturers anymore, but that doesn't mean we aren't doing anything.

and the single largest reason for our decline is the war economy problems I was talking about before. we were king from the 50s-70/80s because there was literally no other game in town. as other nations rose from the ashes of war economy, our dominance went down, but it doesn't mean we aren't in the game.

so only you get to decide what is "successful"? Seems like life expectancy would be up if they had everything they needed. you probably avoided that because Russia's life expectancy has gone DOWN over the last 5 years, they have lost approx. 4 years from their average. so your strawman doesn't even hold up to the most basic of examinations. Everyone's has gone down since Covid, but Russia decline is 2x what ours is/was.

there is a huge difference in what you see vs reality. you suffer from confirmation bias, you are comparing their best to our worst, and think that is some kind of win. I don't think there is a single American who would willingly trade places with Russia's worst off. Tucker can talk mad game about Russia's egg business, but he still chooses to live here, there is a reason.

and the word you are looking for is uninhabitable. and again you are suffering from confirmation bias. there are plenty of people who live secluded lives in India, not even sure what you are trying to say here, except once again to compare one best case scenario with a worse case scenario.
If you think the US isn't producing anything, then you really shouldn't be talking about Russia's manufacturing. The US has more people in our manufacturing industry, and we produce a value of about 10x what Russia does. so either way you want to look at it we are doing more than Russia is.

Russia: "Under 10 million employees had an occupation in the manufacturing sector of the country."
US: 12 million

Russia (2021) manufacturing value: 236 Billion
US (2021) manufacturing value: 2.4 Trillion

we are still #2, Russia doesn't even make the top 10 list. so yeah we aren't the biggest manufacturers anymore, but that doesn't mean we aren't doing anything.

and the single largest reason for our decline is the war economy problems I was talking about before. we were king from the 50s-70/80s because there was literally no other game in town. as other nations rose from the ashes of war economy, our dominance went down, but it doesn't mean we aren't in the game.

so only you get to decide what is "successful"? Seems like life expectancy would be up if they had everything they needed. you probably avoided that because Russia's life expectancy has gone DOWN over the last 5 years, they have lost approx. 4 years from their average. so your strawman doesn't even hold up to the most basic of examinations. Everyone's has gone down since Covid, but Russia decline is 2x what ours is/was.

there is a huge difference in what you see vs reality. you suffer from confirmation bias, you are comparing their best to our worst, and think that is some kind of win. I don't think there is a single American who would willingly trade places with Russia's worst off. Tucker can talk mad game about Russia's egg business, but he still chooses to live here, there is a reason.

and the word you are looking for is uninhabitable. and again you are suffering from confirmation bias. there are plenty of people who live secluded lives in India, not even sure what you are trying to say here, except once again to compare one best case scenario with a worse case scenario.

Yup, the United States produces all this stuff but we can't get repairs parts for almost all types of equipment. And when it does come it comes from overseas. Again, I don't think it needs to come from the U.S..... it doesn't... just like all the beef imports are coming from South America now. They import it, process it here... under law its American Beef. LOL

The United States has had super huge trade imbalances my whole life.

suffering from confirmation bias

Yup, the United States and the entire west is so great which is why they have huge trade imbalances. Why they can't even after the third year combined actually produce weapons.

so only you get to decide what is "successful"?

No, you can produce your own stupid definition.... that population increases somehow magically makes a country some great success. ****ing Africa should be booming. 😂

Hey, Russia is toast, tell everyone to stop sending my money to the Comedian.... they should have had this wrapped up. I mean, how many washing machines can Russia have?

Seems like life expectancy would be up if they had everything they needed. you probably avoided that because Russia's life expectancy has gone DOWN over the last 5 years, they have lost approx. 4 years from their average. so your strawman doesn't even hold up to the most basic of examinations. Everyone's has gone down since Covid, but Russia decline is 2x what ours is/was.
So what?
Vast parts of the United States are **** holes, I know.... I live here. Tell you what, move to India or typical Africa and let us know how an increasing population is so successful or wonderful. Shouldn't Chicago be awesome by now? Hell, I wouldn't step in New Orleans even 10 years ago.... complete ****ing **** hole. It got so ****** there that people finally left, now they are *****ing up Houston ie growing population.

What you are doing is the whole shovel and washing machine thing, that is all it is. Russia actually seems pretty good, heck, its one of the few places in the world that they actually don't want to kill white people for being white. They seem to be winning in production against the whole west. They seem to be able to produce shovels at such a great rate the West can't seem to keep up.

Literally these people take baths in **** water and you call it a success.

I'm sure the Russians thank you for your concern, but my guess they don't want Russia to be Africa or the United States. LOL I see nothing appealing about what the U.S. is doing.

What you are really saying is you're a virus which has no cure. Russia seems like its pretty good, but I can't say I have been to even Eastern Europe in a very long time. Parts of Asia, well, other than Japan and a few other places.... overpopulated **** holes.'

And we're ignoring all this self-sustaining thing, you brought that up.... which it looks like they are self-sustaining, which what this whole outburst is about i.e. They're winning. Heck, their population has been in a range for 30+ years.... so what? Nothing new. What exactly do you think you have here that they don't have there?

Heck where I live the population goes down every year, paradise. LoL

Population of russia over time, so what? Doom next week?


Exactly how many virus cells can fit on this planet, you just keep going until you consume it all and they all die like a virus in a petri dish?
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Yup, the United States produces all this stuff but we can't get repairs parts for almost all types of equipment. And when it does come it comes from overseas. Again, I don't think it needs to come from the U.S..... it doesn't... just like all the beef imports are coming from South America now. They import it, process it here... under law its American Beef. LOL

The United States has had super huge trade imbalances my whole life.

Yup, the United States and the entire west is so great which is why they have huge trade imbalances. Why they can't even after the third year combined actually produce weapons.

No, you can produce your own stupid definition.... that population increases somehow magically makes a country some great success. ****ing Africa should be booming. 😂

Hey, Russia is toast, tell everyone to stop sending my money to the Comedian.... they should have had this wrapped up. I mean, how many washing machines can Russia have?

So what?
Vast parts of the United States are **** holes, I know.... I live here. Tell you what, move to India or typical Africa and let us know how an increasing population is so successful or wonderful. Shouldn't Chicago be awesome by now? Hell, I wouldn't step in New Orleans even 10 years ago.... complete ****ing **** hole.

What you are doing is the whole shovel and washing machine thing, that is all it is. Russia actually seems pretty good, heck, its one of the few places in the world that they actually don't want to kill white people for being white. They seem to be winning in production against the whole west.😂😂
Chicago's population has been declining. New Orleans population declining, New Yorks, declining.

seems like your sh*thole argument is backing me up.

meanwhile I am walking around Atlanta everyday for the past 12 years, no fear or worries about being white here. like I said, you are suffering from confirmation bias, only looking at the data that supports your arguments, and not taking things in with context. instead you probably listen to any number of fear mongers selling you on their brand of politics.

as far as not being able to repair stuff that is good ole capitalism with a side of government favoritism. Planned obsolescence is a very real thing. they don't want you to repair it, they want you to replace it. making the supply, repair, difficult is just part of that, not some failing of our manufacturing. again you need to look at things in context.

no country 100% makes everything in their own country. even NK has to import equipment and pieces from Russia and China. The chinese steal our tech. the Russians just rebranded their soviet stuff, and still relies on the central asian countries for a lot. like their whole space program is still run out of Kazakhstan. the cotton the russians use comes from the stans.
Yup, the United States produces all this stuff but we can't get repairs parts for almost all types of equipment. And when it does come it comes from overseas. Again, I don't think it needs to come from the U.S..... it doesn't... just like all the beef imports are coming from South America now. They import it, process it here... under law its American Beef. LOL

The United States has had super huge trade imbalances my whole life.

Yup, the United States and the entire west is so great which is why they have huge trade imbalances. Why they can't even after the third year combined actually produce weapons.

No, you can produce your own stupid definition.... that population increases somehow magically makes a country some great success. ****ing Africa should be booming. 😂

Hey, Russia is toast, tell everyone to stop sending my money to the Comedian.... they should have had this wrapped up. I mean, how many washing machines can Russia have?

So what?
Vast parts of the United States are **** holes, I know.... I live here. Tell you what, move to India or typical Africa and let us know how an increasing population is so successful or wonderful. Shouldn't Chicago be awesome by now? Hell, I wouldn't step in New Orleans even 10 years ago.... complete ****ing **** hole. It got so ****** there that people finally left, now they are *****ing up Houston ie growing population.

What you are doing is the whole shovel and washing machine thing, that is all it is. Russia actually seems pretty good, heck, its one of the few places in the world that they actually don't want to kill white people for being white. They seem to be winning in production against the whole west. They seem to be able to produce shovels at such a great rate the West can't seem to keep up.

Literally these people take baths in **** water and you call it a success.

I'm sure the Russians thank you for your concern, but my guess they don't want Russia to be Africa or the United States. LOL I see nothing appealing about what the U.S. is doing.

What you are really saying is you're a virus which has no cure. Russia seems like its pretty good, but I can't say I have been to even Eastern Europe in a very long time. Parts of Asia, well, other than Japan and a few other places.... overpopulated **** holes.'

And we're ignoring all this self-sustaining thing, you brought that up.... which it looks like they are self-sustaining, which what this whole outburst is about i.e. They're winning. Heck, their population has been in a range for 30+ years.... so what? Nothing new. What exactly do you think you have here that they don't have there?

Heck where I live the population goes down every year, paradise. LoL
You should be charged with straw man abuse.
Chicago's population has been declining. New Orleans population declining, New Yorks, declining.

seems like your sh*thole argument is backing me up.

meanwhile I am walking around Atlanta everyday for the past 12 years, no fear or worries about being white here. like I said, you are suffering from confirmation bias, only looking at the data that supports your arguments, and not taking things in with context. instead you probably listen to any number of fear mongers selling you on their brand of politics.

as far as not being able to repair stuff that is good ole capitalism with a side of government favoritism. Planned obsolescence is a very real thing. they don't want you to repair it, they want you to replace it. making the supply, repair, difficult is just part of that, not some failing of our manufacturing. again you need to look at things in context.

no country 100% makes everything in their own country. even NK has to import equipment and pieces from Russia and China. The chinese steal our tech. the Russians just rebranded their soviet stuff, and still relies on the central asian countries for a lot. like their whole space program is still run out of Kazakhstan. the cotton the russians use comes from the stans.

Oh now things can be repaired because of capitalism.... that sounds like something they use to say in the USSR when they couldn't get goods or equipment. "Hey guys, we planned it that way".

no country 100% makes everything in their own country. even NK has to import equipment and pieces from Russia and China.

I never said otherwise, you came up with this whole sustainability thing. When clearly Russia can live mostly on its own. I really can't figure out what you are trying to say, one second you are talking about some type of globalism is good than its globalism is bad.

meanwhile I am walking around Atlanta everyday for the past 12 years, no fear or worries about being white here. like I said, you are suffering from confirmation bias, only looking at the data that supports your arguments, and not taking things in with context. instead you probably listen to any number of fear mongers selling you on their brand of politics.

Atlanta is a **** hole, you just haven't been anywhere else to gauge. I'm sure there are kids from Gary Indiana or New Orleans that have no idea they're **** holes. Heck, parts of Europe use to be nice, now mostly turning into third world country **** holes. The population increase didn't make it better, it just makes it worse.

The population in Russia really hasn't changed in 40-50 years, so what? Everything there seems to have improved over time, here, not so much. You have failed to show how an increase population makes success, if that is true than why are those increasing populated African countries trying to migrate north? I can tell you, they are very unsuccessful.... **** holes.
You should be charged with straw man abuse.

I'm not the one coming up with this whole population increase = successful nonsense.

I don't see to many people getting on a boat to Africa. Basically, you have a bunch of silly people that aren't getting they're desired outcome at the moment - Russia losing.

The United States and the west are such a powerhouse in production they can't even make freaking artillery shells. Hint, the federal reserve really can't help.

I'm sure all you guys are really worried about Russia. 🥲
Oh now things can be repaired because of capitalism.... that sounds like something they use to say in the USSR when they couldn't get goods or equipment. "Hey guys, we planned it that way".

I never said otherwise, you came up with this whole sustainability thing. When clearly Russia can live mostly on its own.

Atlanta is a **** hole, you just haven't been anywhere else to gauge. I'm sure there are kids from Gary Indiana or New Orleans that have no idea they're **** holes. Heck, parts of Europe use to be nice, now mostly turning into third world country **** holes. The population increase didn't make it better, it just makes it worse.
parts of Atlanta are, sure. but thats anywhere. I have done jobs all over the South, had plenty of conversations in one light towns about where not to go.

the population decline/increase doesn't make the country/city any worse or better, its just a sign of how things generally are. that's why I included the management aspect. if the government, corporations, religion, whoever can manage the population effectively a small population is fine. most countries can't manage a population all too well, and thus you need more. I don't think EITHER Russia or the US manages their populations well, but at least the US has the population growth to cover up SOME of those problems.

Japan is great, but they are going to run into a HUGE demographic problem real soon which will lead to a huge paradigm shift. either they are going to have an economic collapse, hasn't been great for a while, or are going to have to go heavy into a robot population/AI, to stay a float.
parts of Atlanta are, sure. but thats anywhere. I have done jobs all over the South, had plenty of conversations in one light towns about where not to go.

the population decline/increase doesn't make the country/city any worse or better, its just a sign of how things generally are.

No it doesn't. Which is why Africa continues to produce human viruses at a great rate and its basically something out of the Stone Age. Chicago isn't any different. All it means is they have a working cock, and really can't think beyond that - generally speaking i.e. virus.

As I said, what does the population of Russia have to be or is right?

What is going on is, the underpopulated Russia with no manufacturing and zero ability to think can easily out produce the West. They seem to be doing pretty well, just an observation. Its amazing what Russia does with washing machines.
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the population decline/increase doesn't make the country/city any worse or better, its just a sign of how things generally are. that's why I included the management aspect. if the government, corporations, religion, whoever can manage the population effectively a small population is fine. most countries can't manage a population all too well, and thus you need more. I don't think EITHER Russia or the US manages their populations well, but at least the US has the population growth to cover up SOME of those problems.

It is part of the reason why the southern border has been left open by both parties.

Japan is great, but they are going to run into a HUGE demographic problem real soon which will lead to a huge paradigm shift. either they are going to have an economic collapse, hasn't been great for a while, or are going to have to go heavy into a robot population/AI, to stay a float.

If their was a country that could weather demographic collapse via robots/AI, it's the Japanese. Time will tell.

The real interesting thought experiment is about the inflection point of demographics. At some point in the future via AI/robots/computing power, having a large population will be disadvantageous. It will be interesting to (most likely to future generations) when/what that inflection point is and what the ideal population is afterwards.
I'm not the one coming up with this whole population increase = successful nonsense.

I don't see to many people getting on a boat to Africa. Basically, you have a bunch of silly people that aren't getting they're desired outcome at the moment - Russia losing.

The United States and the west are such a powerhouse in production they can't even make freaking artillery shells. Hint, the federal reserve really can't help.

I'm sure all you guys are really worried about Russia. 🥲
And I don’t see a lot of people risking death to get into Russia.
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parts of Atlanta are, sure. but thats anywhere. I have done jobs all over the South, had plenty of conversations in one light towns about where not to go.

the population decline/increase doesn't make the country/city any worse or better, its just a sign of how things generally are. that's why I included the management aspect. if the government, corporations, religion, whoever can manage the population effectively a small population is fine. most countries can't manage a population all too well, and thus you need more. I don't think EITHER Russia or the US manages their populations well, but at least the US has the population growth to cover up SOME of those problems.

Japan is great, but they are going to run into a HUGE demographic problem real soon which will lead to a huge paradigm shift. either they are going to have an economic collapse, hasn't been great for a while, or are going to have to go heavy into a robot population/AI, to stay a float.

hundreds of millions of jobs worldwide. gonna be a problem.
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And I don’t see a lot of people risking death to get into Russia.

They're not the global bank and they most likely don't want you at scale. People are simply trying to get into the bank at this point. Duh, they don't have to work. Printing money has its advantages and has some limitations i.e. it doesn't go on forever.

People risk death going to Chicago though. New Orleans forget about it, its like Afghanistan or worse.

The Ukrainians have to build a wall. The United States allows the invaders in. Of course, if all you guys are right.... Russia should lose fairly quickly at this point, no?
🤣 This is basically washing machine and shovel talk again, and how the 86th round of sanctions are going to be the nail in the coffin. That doesn't get tiring?


Next up, Putin has weaponized illegals.

I'm going to be honest, I don't know how you guys do it.
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