War in Ukraine

That’s an estimate of how many rifles there are. I was wondering how many us citizens could bring to bear?

Most people own multiple firearms. So those 76m rifles will be possessed by considerably fewer Americans.

You can’t deploy all 4 of your rifles simultaneously- but if your wife and sons take up arms too…
Things that make you think-

It's just nowhere near as significant as that poster thinks it is. Also, and I think this fact is lost on most people (even Americans) - the US is a net energy exporter. Especially when crude gets expensive and we fire up the shale production.

This is a chart of the US Dollar Index since the financial crisis. QE in the United States began in November 2008. Approximately $25T has been printed since then, but the index is up 13% over that time. It has even surprised me how much the rest of the world cannot get enough of the USD. It is because there is no viable alternative, and no viable alternative on the horizon. There will be one day, but not anytime soon.

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That’s an estimate of how many rifles there are. I was wondering how many us citizens could bring to bear?

Most people own multiple firearms. So those 76m rifles will be possessed by considerably fewer Americans.

You can’t deploy all 4 of your rifles simultaneously- but if your wife and sons take up arms too…

True, but I was just researching based on the general question of what this country might show up with. No way to know for sure, but if someone tried, they’d get an answer I’m not sure they’d like.
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True, but I was just researching based on the general question of what this country might show up with. No way to know for sure, but if someone tried, they’d get an answer I’m not sure they’d like.
I have no doubt the response from the citizenry would be overwhelming

Uh No. The primary job of an alliance is to protect the people INSIDE of the alliance not those outside of it. Ukraine (or Finland or anyone else) needs to show that current NATO member nations are safer if they were to join.

Dude. Ukraine applied to be part of the European Union (EU) not NATO. Not the same animal.

EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK (for now).

NATO: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark,Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom,United States

Members of NATO but not EU: Albania, Canada, Iceland (that may change if they join the EU), Norway, Turkey, the US.

Members of EU but not NATO: Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Malta and Sweden.

BONUS! EEA: EU countries and also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Switzerland is technically neither, but it is a part of the single market.
Just talked with someone who is a fighter pilot and tied into the USAF rumor mill. Word going around USAF is there is some truth to the Ghost of Kyiv story. It is unclear if all the kills are from the ghost himself or from his squadron as a whole. But it is known that he was a retired fighter pilot that came out of retirement to help in the defense efforts. His call sign loosely translates to “Greywolf”. There is some thought that he was shot down and killed in the last day or so.

I don’t know, TIFWIW but that seems believable to me. I think there really was some badass up there and the stories might have been embellished but it doesn’t take away from what he probably did accomplish.
Based on this rock solid evidence, Imma order one of those cool t-shirts.

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