What makes me question motive is that they're calling some of the most ticky tack calls and digging deep into the rule book for some really unusual calls for the "fair catch" and completely botching the fundamental things like holding and pass interference. Hate to sound like an old guy here, but things like pass interference, fair catch and holding are not complicated and things just worked for such a long time. Now it's as if those things are ignored and in the case of the fair catch, they've over thought and over regulated it. When I try to think about how we ended up in this ridiculous state, the only thing I can think of is that they've decided to pick and choose what to flag/enforce based on how much they see it impacting the length of games. Someone somewhere likely came up with some sort of analytic highlighting calls as holding, PI, etc as the calls that slow the game down too much so they've eliminated everything except the most flagrant of calls....except when UT commits them. So I clearly think the pace of the game is one consideration, but I'm convinced that something else is at play in addition to the length of games. Something has led to a target being placed on our backs with the SEC officiating office. Or....with gambling now so mainstream, there's manipulation taking place in order to influence the lines. Hate being so tin hat, but you just don't see what we've seen for 2 straight weeks from the zebras. Something is amiss.