Yes we are going to destroy them, as long as Butch doesn't call off the dogs during the 3rd qrt.
Just got done reading their thread about winning the East this year and they clearly have no sense of reality when it comes to replacing someone like Matthews or switching not only D's but an entire coaching staff.
The sad thing was that reading them talk about reminded me of us during the Dooley years. Praising the recruiting for finding all the "amazing" 2-3* diamond in the rough players that every other CFB team and every evaluating service missed. How dominant the new 3-4 D would be and how well all the 4-3 players worked in the 3-4. How USCe, UGA and FLA would be down because of replacing players and howthat would make it easier for them to be beaten and the East was there for the taking.
Its funny how they laughed at us during those years for doing the exact same thing they are doing now. History is about to repeat itself and I'm SO glad its not us this time.