I don't do it for likes i do it cause i think we can beat bama until the scoreboard says otherwise. Also what most people on here believe is just because they are 5 star recruits means they will be awesome on the field. And we of all people should that is not usually the case. Bama 5 stars that haven't started have PROVED NOTHING on the field. they will get their chance this fall. Give me a 3 star with the will, heart and desire to crush bama and a good coach and i will take the 3 star over the 5 star and little nicky ever single time.
Who cares who played in it? They beat your jacka$$es.
Like my Auburn friend said, "This isn't just for Auburn, this is for all of the SEC, who has to put up with those arrogant pricks."
My wife went to law school in Montgomery, AL. She chose to root for Auburn over Bama while she was there (still a diehard TN fan) just because of the Bama arrogance that spewed from so many people down there. I remember getting flat-out dog-cussed by a complete stranger in a gas station when I went to visit her because I had on a camo UT hat. That's definitely classy.
The fair weather Bama fans are even worse. We have a friend who moved to New Mexico and is dating a guy who has never even been on this side of the Mississippii who swears to the high heavens he is the biggest Bama fan on the planet. "ROOLLLLL TIDE!" His whole family is from California.
Before a Bama rebuttal comes in, I'll say this- I've had 3 close family members attend the University of Alabama, one of which played football under Bear Bryant. Take that for what it is.
/end rant
BearCat has bad dealings with barners in Huntsville, total Bama territory. Nooga has bad dealings with bammers in Montgomery, total AU territory.
I think it's safe to conclude that being either a bammer or barner living in your rival's territory can wear you down until you're a jerk to everyone.
I wear orange often and I have never, ever, ever been "flat-out dog-cussed" by anyone. I think its a little bit hyperbole
OP (or someone else) can we please start a "We win the National Championship in 2014" thread?
I do not have 100 posts yet and this thread appears to be a real hit...
It was already started by this site's greatest poster: LINK.