We finished with a better record than Florida.

fair enough. LG is right. We should lower our expectations and then heap praise upon the staff when the fail to meet even the lowered ones. Very good thinking.

Hark, what does thou say? That thou hast agreed with the scurge of the board, and has concluded to be the bigger man? Me thinks you jest!
It completely shocks me that you would poke fun at my demanding something be done properly. Who'da thunk it.

Or, have you skipped the chapter on punctuation?

For a perfectionist, you are failing your own standards miserably.

I've gotta run, BPV. Happy New Year!
Or, have you skipped the chapter on punctuation?

For a perfectionist, you are failing your own standards miserably.

I've gotta run, BPV. Happy New Year!

Finally I don't have to read your nonsense for the rest of the day.
fair enough. LG is right. We should lower our expectations and then heap praise upon the staff when the fail to meet even the lowered ones. Very good thinking.

That's the great thing about college football. You can have any expectations, no matter how realistic they are. What else would we talk about in the offseason? I would say nothing if we had a playoff but people would still complain about a 10 win season.

Look, I don't know what the magic number is. Is it 11 wins? Is it number of SEC championships in five years? Is it national championships? I don't know what it is -- and in the end I think its just a sense that you have that your team is achieving what it should and improving and making wise choices and being innovative and entertaining, etc., etc. I guess that's why I can't buy into specific numbers as definitive of successful or unsuccessful.
Look, I don't know what the magic number is. Is it 11 wins? Is it number of SEC championships in five years? Is it national championships? I don't know what it is -- and in the end I think its just a sense that you have that your team is achieving what it should and improving and making wise choices and being innovative and entertaining, etc., etc. I guess that's why I can't buy into specific numbers as definitive of successful or unsuccessful.
that definitive number is never going to exist, so the quality of our season is always going to be subjective (goodie, the board still has reason to exist), so we can continue debating. My main problem with calling this season much other than decent is the fact that we got absolutely killed three times, twice by mediocre teams. I suspect you don't see the UF result very differently, even though your losses were more respectable.
I guess this is what we have to look forward to in the offseason.
no, I'll back it down. My ire at having to suffer through more Fulmer just happens to be up today. Fortunately, the VASF waits a bit to ask for next year's donations.
Look, I don't know what the magic number is. Is it 11 wins? Is it number of SEC championships in five years? Is it national championships? I don't know what it is -- and in the end I think its just a sense that you have that your team is achieving what it should and improving and making wise choices and being innovative and entertaining, etc., etc. I guess that's why I can't buy into specific numbers as definitive of successful or unsuccessful.

I wasnt dogging you... I was agreeing. I think we've had a pretty good year.
that definitive number is never going to exist, so the quality of our season is always going to be subjective (goodie, the board still has reason to exist), so we can continue debating. My main problem with calling this season much other than decent is the fact that we got absolutely killed three times, twice by mediocre teams. I suspect you don't see the UF result very differently, even though your losses were more respectable.

Yeah, I think that's fair. At the time, the UGA loss kind of made me shake my head but now .... Not so much.

Of our losses, the loss to Michigan is the most bothersome. Losing by 3 to Auburn at home sure sucked, but Auburn had their moments and they played Tebow the best anybody did this year, really.

LSU. No shame in losing a nail biter to them at Baton Rouge.

The Michigan loss is tough because it feels like we got outhustled and outcoached. The team seemed lethargic to me, somewhat disinterested. A lot of menal errors and lack of focus. Just not a good way to head towards the 2008 season.
Yeah, I think that's fair. At the time, the UGA loss kind of made me shake my head but now .... Not so much.

Of our losses, the loss to Michigan is the most bothersome. Losing by 3 to Auburn at home sure sucked, but Auburn had their moments and they played Tebow the best anybody did this year, really.

LSU. No shame in losing a nail biter to them at Baton Rouge.

The Michigan loss is tough because it feels like we got outhustled and outcoached. The team seemed lethargic to me, somewhat disinterested. A lot of menal errors and lack of focus. Just not a good way to head towards the 2008 season.

Don't worry. Bowl momentum is vastly overrated.
The Michigan loss is tough because it feels like we got outhustled and outcoached. The team seemed lethargic to me, somewhat disinterested. A lot of mental errors and lack of focus. Just not a good way to head towards the 2008 season.

It's hard to win and even harder to repeat. That would be my #1 concern if I were a HC. I assure you they learned far more from this loss that they would've learned from a win.
Yeah, I think that's fair. At the time, the UGA loss kind of made me shake my head but now .... Not so much.

Of our losses, the loss to Michigan is the most bothersome. Losing by 3 to Auburn at home sure sucked, but Auburn had their moments and they played Tebow the best anybody did this year, really.

LSU. No shame in losing a nail biter to them at Baton Rouge.

The Michigan loss is tough because it feels like we got outhustled and outcoached. The team seemed lethargic to me, somewhat disinterested. A lot of menal errors and lack of focus. Just not a good way to head towards the 2008 season.
Thats bowl season. Florida might have been disinterested. They had just played for the title last year. It has to be sort of a letdown. That's when its the coaches job to refocus the team.
My final thought on the matter: Florida was a young team in 2007. They were inexperienced and were rebuilding after winning two championships the year before. They had high expectations for 2006 and they achieved them. Tennessee was a team full of seniors and juniors that will now be leaving after winning no championships. Our aspirations should have been as high as Florida's were in '06. Something tells me they weren't. We did not make any progress from 2006 to 2007.
My final thought on the matter: Florida was a young team in 2007. They were inexperienced and were rebuilding after winning two championships the year before. They had high expectations for 2006 and they achieved them. Tennessee was a team full of seniors and juniors that will now be leaving after winning no championships. Our aspirations should have been as high as Florida's were in '06. Something tells me they weren't. We did not make any progress from 2006 to 2007.

How many seniors did we start this year? I dont remember it being a whole lot.
How many seniors did we start this year? I dont remember it being a whole lot.


X. Mitchell

There were quite a few sophomores and third year players, too. I think the youngest guy to see significant playing time on offense was Josh McNeil. There were quite a few older guys on the defense, as well. Many of them were weeded out by injury, but it's not like we were even playing remotely well on defense before they got hurt.

UT Offense clarification sought:
Didn't someone post that all Jon Crompton has to work with next year is Gerald Jones as his 'supporting cast?'

Found the link: http://www.volnation.com/forum/tennessee-vols/41452-there-any-skeptics-5.html#post1116120

Looks like at least 7 returning starters. Was the point that our returning Oline, RBs, or WRs don't count or that they're 'average' players, 'mediocre' or whatever the latest en vougue put down word is?

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