We finished with a better record than Florida.

you've spouted about logic all day. This is some of the worst logic I've ever seen. It DOES NOT follow that since we've played longer, we'll be better going forward. Doesn't follow in the least way.

Agree. It's a statement of faith.
I keep noticing that there is a very rare few (really a couple) who thinks this silly 'you're really a closet gator' is funny. It's really more pathetic than anything. Disregard any negative message or dismiss as gator trash.

Should we call you the Ostrich twins?
Ouch. Now I'm being used as a tool by some Volsfans to criticize others!

I guess I know I've finally arrived.
but you've surely noticed the lack of quality in using you as a derisive element? weak doesn't do it justice and consider the source.
I keep noticing that there is a very rare few (really a couple) who thinks this silly 'you're really a closet gator' is funny. It's really more pathetic than anything. Disregard any negative message or dismiss as gator trash.

Should we call you the Ostrich twins?

Ostrich twins:eek:lol:
but you've surely noticed the lack of quality in using you as a derisive element? weak doesn't do it justice and consider the source.

You've already won the award for the most personal attacks in 2007, BPV.

Why don't you quit your persistent sniveling and show a little character in 2008?
but you've surely noticed the lack of quality in using you as a derisive element? weak doesn't do it justice and consider the source.

I assure you that I did not take it either as a compliment or an insult. One hundred percent of the people on here would be chagrinned to be linked favorably to 99.2% of my posts. Of the reamining .8% of my posts, maybe a third would agree with me.

And finding ways to add to that .8% is what I live for!
You've already won the award for the most personal attacks in 2007, BPV.

Why don't you quit your persistent sniveling and show a little character in 2008?

You called people Gators. You can't say anything about character.
I assure you that I did not take it either as a compliment or an insult. One hundred percent of the people on here would be chagrinned to be linked favorably to 99.2% of my posts. Of the reamining .8% of my posts, maybe a third would agree with me.

And finding ways to add to that .8% is what I live for!

And I didn't intend any offense. If so taken, I'd apologize.
You've already won the award for the most personal attacks in 2007, BPV.

Why don't you quit your persistent sniveling and show a little character in 2008?
You definitely have me beat for '08 and you earned the '07 set.

My sniveling aside, delusion and character are not interchangeable words.
Really. I had no idea calling him a Gator would do anything other than flatter him.
Assuming that I give your posts enough credit such that they would offend, flatter, or cause any emotion of any nature is the height of folly, but that shoe certainly fits.
What was the original point again? Somebody? Anybody?

Don't know if there was one.

Just another long day of defending the Vols in the presence of some Gator-loving Vol Nation posters which appears to be winding down in a dramatic realization that some so devoted to Gator worshipping would go as far as to admit they don't like being called Gators.

If that's the team one likes the most, why root for the Vols? That's been one of my points, today.

Happy New Year to All!

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