We knew this was coming

Stop pretending like we should have expected the biggest loss since 1910. No one expected us to be of Oregon's caliber. Most of this board expected a 6-7 win football team. But if you expected us to not even put up a fight or field a team that looked remotely competent, then congrats. But why even bother watching that?

Why bother posting?...you have a mini coronary each effort...you have your health to consider
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CBJ first year cincy vs first year UT, which team was at a bigger disadvantage:

a) cincy, with graduation losses and facing the Big Least

b) UT, with graduation losses plus Doofus recruited players, facing the SEC

i see your point.i thought you were putting him down and saying in so many words that he is no better than dooley.sorry.i'm not trying to pick a fight.
I can't understand why so many people are questioning Butch and this team. Not one publication picked us to be good, most picked us not to make a bowl game. As fans its hard to sit and watch us lose but everyone knows we don't have the talent level as these top teams. Right now I trust Butch and his staff to get us back to where we are relevant, until then everyone grab a bottle of Jack and be patient

Due to the inexperienced d.b.'s, a new q.b., and an entire new coaching staff that has to change everyones way of thinking and a hard schedule, I did not expect much this season.

In 2014, we will need to replace the entire offensive line and most of the defensive line. So, I don't expect much next season either.

In 2015, our q.b. will definately be experienced.

The young receivers we have now, will be juniors.

Hurd & Paulk will be on campus, with a full season of experience under their belt.

The new kicker will have a full season of experience under his belt.

bUTch will have 3 recruiting class on campus.

The d.b.'s will be juniors.

bUTch's system will be second nature.

He won't have to get the players to un-learn their old habits.

The schedule will be easier.

The offensive line will be seniors.

The defensive line will be juniors.
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I can't understand why so many people are questioning Butch and this team. Not one publication picked us to be good, most picked us not to make a bowl game. As fans its hard to sit and watch us lose but everyone knows we don't have the talent level as these top teams. Right now I trust Butch and his staff to get us back to where we are relevant, until then everyone grab a bottle of Jack and be patient

I agree with you its going to take awhile to get our program back to competing. I know its hard to be patient because we have been hearing that for some time now. But I think we finally got a coach that can get the job done. GO VOLS!
I agree with you its going to take awhile to get our program back to competing. I know its hard to be patient because we have been hearing that for some time now. But I think we finally got a coach that can get the job done. GO VOLS!

nick saban has caused every fan base in college football to expect a contender by year 2.his 2nd season they won 12 games and went to a bcs bowl.our fan base needs to be more realistic.
I question it because of the ridiculous play calling last week and being completely out coached in every aspect of the game. .... punting four times in first half from midfield... hahaha. Still can't believe that. . Guess he was thinking damage control at that point but ended up in worst loss in ut history.
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I hate to lose but it's the way we lose that gets me.we've had bad teams before but we always seemed to fight till the game was over.i know we're going to have to take our lumps until we get better talent.i just want to see our guys fight and play with heart.i'm not questioning their heart but I want to see everything left on the field against a good team.if they do that,i will say we are headed in the right direction.

I also want to see a player led team.right now I wish we had a nick r. and a motario h.
I want to see somebody step up and lead on off. and def.

I think the Oregon game pretty much showed how piss poor coached this team has been over the last 3-4 years. A total lay down by us and I've never been so embarrassed by our team ever. A lot of people on this board owe some apologies for yelling at people who said some players on this team aren't SEC material when we recruited them. CBJ and staff can develop talent and have proven that, but when a coach has more confidence in throwing a screen pass on a 3rd and 1 what's that tell you about our RBs and O-line? I had hope for CBJ to work some miracles and get us to 6 to 7 wins, but if we play like we did against Orgeon we will win 4 games this year.

I can't understand why so many people are questioning Butch and this team. Not one publication picked us to be good, most picked us not to make a bowl game. As fans its hard to sit and watch us lose but everyone knows we don't have the talent level as these top teams. Right now I trust Butch and his staff to get us back to where we are relevant, until then everyone grab a bottle of Jack and be patient

In a nutshell because this isn't the worst roster in the last 5 years much less the last 100.... yet they got smacked around by Oregon for a historic loss.

"Expecting" a win against Oregon would have been unrealistic. Expecting UT to give them more of a battle than Nicholl's State... not so much.

The pre-season predictions are ALWAYS tainted for good or ill by the previous season's results even with a coaching change. IIRC, they picked TAM not to make a bowl last year. USC was ranked #1 in some polls prior to the '12 season. UT was predicted to make noise and challenge for the East. Sunseri was said by some to be a "great" hire.... and many of us bought it.

When you return a S who was Fr All-SEC, the SEC's leading tackler, a serious NFL prospect at DT, 4 and possibly 5 OL's that are likely to be drafted next year, 4 QB options with talent, two SEC quality RB's... the cupboard isn't exactly bare. There are/were certainly holes in the roster that prevents winning the East from being a very likely goal... but 7 wins? Sorry but that is a realistic goal for this roster.
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It's only because we have the stupidest most irrational fan base in America hands down.............

Have you met the Georgia BullDawg Nation? No, we are not #1 in irrationality. We are at best #2, but I think perhaps #4 or 5 behind Bama, HogNation, and maybe tOSU
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Let the man do his job. He is a coach with a team with talent and no depth. Sec is all about depth and this team will be much much better by game eight and nine than three.
An a case of butt hurt after every loss to really highly ranked teams for he past 5 seasons

Who gives a damn about the records tomorrow is a new day and a new game. Let's go out play some football and hit somebody in the mouth
We lost to a team that could beat more than a few Professional teams at the moment and people start freaking out. Oregon's speed is unlike anything else that the Vols will face the rest of the year.

Seriously stop and think about it. Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and hell even Bama don't have speed like Oregon does. Its what makes their Offense so ridiculous. Against that Oregon team you have to do what Stanford did last year. Eat up the clock with a power running game and keep that damn lightning quick offense off the field.

We couldn't move the ball against them because we have a Quarterback in an option style scheme who is too afraid to run. It's not that he is a terribly slow runner, although he doesn't have RB or WR style speed that you would love to have for this Offensive scheme. There were more than a few plays in the first 3 games where even Worley could have gotten positive yardage if he had actually ran the ball but he is too scared to do it.

Added into this mixture is that he misses wide open WR's and is working with quite a few young ones. In my opinion, the only way this offense is going to start really putting up good numbers this year is for one of the QB's to start running the ball.
What sux is that I am stuck here in MS, 45 minutes from Oxford. The black rebellious landsharks, or whatever they are look pretty good this year.

Is there a radio station that I can stream online that will carry the games? I am in Ireland until Wednesday.

Dude, enjoy Ireland. I wouldn't worry about the game if I were over there. Might put you in a bad mood.
It's hard to take because CBJ did everything right up to this point (not saying he's done anything "wrong" yet either).

He completely aced every test off the field and recruiting has been excellent. Not to mention the team looked disciplined and aggressive against our two cupcakes.

Hopes were high that maybe, just maybe, this staff was full of coaching geniuses and that we could hang with Oregon or even beat them. But getting slaughtered just confirmed everyone's fears: We still suck, and will suck for a few more years until the roster is reloaded with SEC-quality players.

Honestly, this is probably the most succinct and accurate assessment of the situation that I've read. Even if it is a bitter pill to swallow.
I can't understand why so many people are questioning Butch and this team. Not one publication picked us to be good, most picked us not to make a bowl game. As fans its hard to sit and watch us lose but everyone knows we don't have the talent level as these top teams. Right now I trust Butch and his staff to get us back to where we are relevant, until then everyone grab a bottle of Jack and be patient

Amen, bro. I see where Serrano has the 6th best recruiting class in the SEC. Cuonzo has it going in BB, and Butch will get the football program straight. It's just going to take two or three years to get back where we need to be. Until then, let's just take the little victories--beat who we're supposed to and get an upset here and there. That was the original goal and it's still there. GBO---VFL!!

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