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Arrest of suspect in San Jose woman's murder prompts ICE debate

Police said Arevalo Carranza had cased the neighborhood and appeared to know where security cameras were, covering his face to avoid detection. However, one neighbor's security video does appear to show him on Knollfield Way in the early morning hours when Larson was killed.

Chief Garcia acknowledged that ICE had previously asked to take custody of him six times -- four times in Santa Clara County and two times in Los Angeles County. However, Santa Clara County has a policy of not cooperating with ICE.

Four years ago, Mayor Sam Liccardo sent a letter to county supervisors, seeking to revisit its ICE policy for violent felons. A representative of the mayor's office said his position has not changed. Chief Garcia said he believes his job is to protect everyone, and he does not want to get into a political fight.

Statement below from the Mayor now hoping to avoid a lawsuit, a little to late.

Below is a statement released by Mayor Liccardo on Tuesday:

"This is a devastating tragedy-- and my thoughts and prayers go to Ms. Larson's family during this awful time. I'm grateful to Chief Eddie Garcia and our San Jose Police Department officers for their work in apprehending and arresting this individual and keeping our community safe.

It is long overdue for the County to reconsider its current policy of ignoring ICE hold requests for predatory felons, which undermines the safety of the very immigrant communities we collectively seek to protect. On July 10, 2015, I sent a letter urging County leaders to review their policies to ensure federal immigration authorities prosecute violent, predatory individuals who pose a serious threat to our residents.

My views were consistent with those expressed by Police Chief Eddie Garcia, and with the proposed policy of District Attorney Jeff Rosen, who sought to have the County accept ICE detainers for individuals, like the defendant in this case, arrested for prior first-degree home burglaries and other 'strike' offenses.

The County's policy has nothing to do with the City's decades-long policy of declining to have police engage in federal immigration enforcement, which was implemented to protect public safety. In contrast, the current County policy of ignoring detainer requests for individuals arrested for strike offenses and convicted of multiple felonies undermines public safety, and violates common sense. I hope we can restart this conversation to make progress where we all agree: we can both keep our City safe from violent criminals and protect our law-abiding immigrant community."
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Makes me wish we had a real president in office who could have adequately and "presidentially" addressed the issue instead of unnecessarily turning it in to a divisive and partisan political issue.

If we treat it as" black and white" as we should on a face value too many people couldn't handle it, and would still find room to complain, on both sides.

Addressing the situation would require the politicians to do their jobs and put forth new laws to vote on.....amazing this isn't happening, just talk and media coverage and more talk and more pointing fingers and name calling. Both sides are full of it and don't want to correct the situation.

Simple truth here is anyone who crossed our border did so illegally. Regardless of what current laws and regulations and steps involved in becoming a citizen that exist these people did no such thing and consequently are law breakers.

So, to address the real issue head on, see above. You follow the current laws until they are changed. Both sides are playing games instead of first, enforcing the law, and secondly, proposing new legislation to change the law. Somehow, we are doing neither.
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Makes me wish we had a real president in office who could have adequately and "presidentially" addressed the issue instead of unnecessarily turning it in to a divisive and partisan political issue.
Like #44, #43, #42, #41, etc.?

Need to go back to Eisenhower and how it was handled in 1954?
400 Migrants Crossed into Arizona Border Sector in 48 Hours, Say Feds

Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents say they apprehended nearly 400 migrants in a 48-hour period after they exploited Outdated Border Vehicle Barriers to illegally enter the U.S.


400 Migrants Crossed into Arizona Border Sector in 48 Hours, Say Feds
Makes me wish we had a real president in office who could have adequately and "presidentially" addressed the issue instead of unnecessarily turning it in to a divisive and partisan political issue.
Nothing like the dems who essentially did a 180 on immigration in less than five years and now want open borders and the right for illegals to vote. Sure, it’s Trumps fault.
41-44 did a fantastic job fixing this non-existent problem.

Orange man bad is all the TDS crowd cares about.

Have you ever asked yourself why do you want Trump to fail?
He's already a failure. He was a failure from day 1. I view every day he is in office as a deepening failure. I want the country to succeed, not fail. US success and a Trump presidency are mutually exclusive.
He's already a failure. He was a failure from day 1. I view every day he is in office as a deepening failure. I want the country to succeed, not fail. US success and a Trump presidency are mutually exclusive.

Not everyone wants to wear a vagina hat.
WASHINGTON, March 19 (Reuters) - The Supreme Court on Tuesday endorsed U.S. government authority to detain immigrants awaiting deportation anytime - potentially even years - after they have completed prison terms for criminal convictions, handing President Donald Trump a victory as he pursues hardline immigration policies.
The court ruled 5-4, with its conservative justices in the majority and its liberal justices dissenting, that federal authorities could pick up such immigrants and place them into indefinite detention at any time, not just immediately after they finish their prison sentences.
The ruling, authored by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, leaves open the possibility of individual immigrants challenging the federal law involved in the case on constitutional grounds if they are detained long after they have completed their sentences.
He's already a failure. He was a failure from day 1. I view every day he is in office as a deepening failure. I want the country to succeed, not fail. US success and a Trump presidency are mutually exclusive.

71% of the US population feel that the Trump economy is great
The US is the worlds largest oil exportor and will continue to be for the next 5 years.
(It’s been 70 years since the last time this happened)

That’s not a failure.
71% of the US population feel that the Trump economy is great
The US is the worlds largest oil exportor and will continue to be for the next 5 years.
(It’s been 70 years since the last time this happened)

That’s not a failure.
Takes way longer than 2 years for an economic plan to even begin having effects.
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