It's true that people always have complained about others, often younger generations. Sometimes those complaints are valid though and sometimes they aren't. The trick is knowing which and when. The Egyptian civilization did not last, so at some point concerns about decline/complacency were valid ones, and were ignored.
The Egyptian dynasty lasted centuries. So did the Romans, Incas, and others elsewhere. No dynasty or culture is permanent. It will either implode from decay or a natural disaster that kills them off, or forced relocation and its resulting consequences. Consequences? Yes, forced adaption or modifications coerced by the new environment, merging, or even absorption by the existing culture of the new location. Or, the dynasty falls victim to wars.
Gripes about the younger generation are indeed common. Teens alone spark many such lamentations, each generation. As for violence, the USA is not alone in this, but to give perspective, we are a violent nation. Our cowboy, children cartoons, The High (aka-John Cumberland,) comic boo series, children toys, and other media proves it. Whether you talk about a Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, Popeye the sailor, on up to The Wrath of Becky. Sadly, it's our nature. History doesn't lie, well, unless modified by culture self-glorification or politics.
As for players being
paid via the extra benefits.
Full scholarship, free medical care and nutrition program. Free tuition and so on. It was just crumbs from the master's table as they feasted on millions that layers generated. And if said player so much as accepted a dime outside the extra benefits boundary, they lost it at the whim of coaches, or the NCAA. Players thus made nice dinner time dogs, that waited under the table for a hoped for crumb or two hitting the floor. Finally, the dogs who happened to get a piece of dropped Filet Mignon said, "Wow, if dropped food is that good down here, I'm going to sit at the table and eat with them." So we have folks who say it's about time. And some crying:
Who let the dogs out?
Who, who, who, who?
Who let the dogs out?
Who, who, who, who?