Do you think the government has the right to outlaw smoking in restaurants/bars?
No. At least not on the federal level. I think the 10th Amendment concept allows state and local gov't to do many things that are unconstitutional for Congress. I think much of our division and antagonism over social issues stems from the application of the USC to states and localities. I know that the isolated purpose of protecting former slaves was noble... but the baby was definitely thrown out with the bath water on that one.
I think under the USC a state could literally be a social democracy... but they could not force other states to be one... and would have to compete with other states economically. Some states did start out with a "state approved religion". I wouldn't favor it but the original states had ALOT of latitude that they do not have today. Again, I like self determination and think it helps "correct" the system. States could experiment one at a time to demonstrate what works and what doesn't.
Do you think the government should be involved in marriage in any way?
Definitely not the federal gov't. Again, states have a right through their representative legislatures to establish license laws. I am coming to a more hardened belief that gov't should get out of marriage altogether in favor of standard private contracts. However to get there, we either have to go to a flat tax with virtually no itemized exemptions or something like the Fair Tax. Otherwise, people could rightly contract marriage with a bunch of others and abuse the tax code.
Do you think a homosexual couple should be allowed to adopt a child?
No... and yes. In as much as adoption is done by private entities, I think those entities should be able to express their values and faith. That would prevent gov't from forbidding or imposing homosexual adoption. It would basically leave it up to the mother or guardian.... as it should be.
If gov't agencies are going to do it then I do not think it is right for the standards to be determined by any other than democratic means. My preferrence would be a private system though.
Do you think evolution should be taught in public schools?
Do you believe other models of origins should be taught in public schools?
Again, I would greatly prefer no public schools specifically because questions like this and about prayer and about values... have to be answered in a way that probably infringes on someone's rights.
In direct answer to your question, no if other models are not allowed. Yes if other models are allowed OR critical analysis of the philosophical underpinnings of evolution are part of the course.
Do you think the government has the right to tell a person what they can do with their own private land?
ONLY to the extent that what they do with their land could do direct or in some cases indirect harm to someone else or their land. I don't think an upstream farmer has a right to use chemicals that will wash down and poision someone else's well.
FTR, I have a fairly expanded view of "property" that I think lines up decently well with the founders. Labor/income is property. Land is property. Possessions and wealth are property. Ideas are property. Plans are property.