Welfare cars really?

Oh really? Then tell me how the system works if you wouldn't mind. Two people very close to me work here in Virginia helping these people and I can assure you it's not what you think. They help people on welfare find jobs, help them find transportation, do WEEKLY assessments on them covering everything from their relationships to drug tests etc etc. and eventually help them GET OFF of welfare. There are very strict guidelines in place and they are monitored more than you'll ever know. Oh, and this place I'm talking about has 2 or 3 cars people can use and I can assure you that they barely even pass Virginia's safety inspection. This broad generalization that everyone on welfare are just sitting around, taking money, and doing nothing is nothing more than uneducated people on the subject making uneducated guesses. You may or may not be one of those people, I don't know.

I understand that some might abuse the system, but that's the case in all walks of life.

That my be the case some, but there are so many people abuse it. I even know one personally.

He has held one job in his life and then quit a few weeks later "because a monkey could do it". He still lives with his mom while he's 29. He has 2 kids by 2 different parents and barely raises them. His mom does the majority of it. All he does is sit around at home playing WoW. Yet he gets enough money and food stamps to live fairly comfortably, enough to make him not want to go out and get another job.

There are so many stories like that. While some people may get back on our feet, we consistently waste a ton of tax money helping people who have no intention of getting off of it. Just giving them a free car, that they'll never have any restrictions on or have to return, is just wasting even more of our money.
we consistently waste a ton of tax money helping people who have no intention of getting off of it. Just giving them a free car, that they'll never have any restrictions on or have to return, is just wasting even more of our money.
Three words: War in Iraq. That's probably wasted more of your money than welfare ever will.

Like I said, yes, some people abuse it. But it's not right to trash and bad mouth those who are actually trying to do right. Nor should they be punished and have these measures taken away from them because the guy you know does what he does.
It's not just him though. A ton of people abuse welfare. Some people do it right, and I have no issue with that. I'm glad that some people turn their lives around. But a lot of people don't, and that affects the overall perception of what people should do with it.

If they actually had restrictions on the car and could prove that they needed it to have a job, and would return it as soon as they lost said job or could get on their own feet, I'd be ok with it.
so, we shouldn't judge the entire welfare system on the actions of a few, dishonest players.

then tell me, Mr. and Ms. Liberal, how it is that you can justify your gun control ideals? The vast majority of legal gun owners are solid citizens, why punish them over the actions of criminals who obtained their guns through illegal activity?

as far as the welfare cars go, give them Smart FourTwo's that are governed to 55 mph.
Who pays when one of these fine, free car receiving citizens plows into an actual working, functioning individual with their Giveawaymobile?
What do you care how they use it? You think they're going to take it on a cross country trip? You think they have a lot of money to go out on the town?

I was simply pointing out that you were wrong on both of your assertions. They get to keep the car forever and there are no restrictions on how they use the car.
Well, I gather that you all would just rather them sit at home and live off of your dime then. Glad we got to the bottom of this one.

As opposed to us sitting at home wanting to live off someone else's dime, this is what you prefer?
Three words: War in Iraq. That's probably wasted more of your money than welfare ever will.

Like I said, yes, some people abuse it. But it's not right to trash and bad mouth those who are actually trying to do right. Nor should they be punished and have these measures taken away from them because the guy you know does what he does.

waste of money, i can beat that with two words Barack Obama
Well, I gather that you all would just rather them sit at home and live off of your dime then. Glad we got to the bottom of this one.

my money, i worked for it, why should i want to help those that do not want to help themselves. now before you jump on me an elitest or something let me clarify, i dont mind helping those that are trying to get back on their feet, but the ones that are just raping the system, refer to my welfare box program.

they go to a place, clock in like a regular job and sit in a box for 8 hours just staring at nothing, they get normal breaks, but their jobs is to sit in that box for 8 hours and just stare at the wall to get that check
That my be the case some, but there are so many people abuse it. I even know one personally.

He has held one job in his life and then quit a few weeks later "because a monkey could do it". He still lives with his mom while he's 29. He has 2 kids by 2 different parents and barely raises them. His mom does the majority of it. All he does is sit around at home playing WoW. Yet he gets enough money and food stamps to live fairly comfortably, enough to make him not want to go out and get another job.

There are so many stories like that. While some people may get back on our feet, we consistently waste a ton of tax money helping people who have no intention of getting off of it. Just giving them a free car, that they'll never have any restrictions on or have to return, is just wasting even more of our money.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but it sounds like said 29 year old's mom needs to kick him to the curb. This is the problem in a lot of cases is that parents baby their kids and never allow them to grow up. I can't think of too many reasons why a 29 year old should still be living with their parents.
Who pays when one of these fine, free car receiving citizens plows into an actual working, functioning individual with their Giveawaymobile?

I don't know but I doubt the free car driver would have any auto insurance. Also, who pays for new brakes, tires, oil changes and other maintenance on the car?
In the event of an accident, the underinsured/uninsured motorist clause set forth by the state's Insurance Commisioner will cover the loss of both parties. The at fault driver will be penalized and fined up to the State's set amount for such incident.

In short, if you get hit by a freebie mobile, you should be allright concerning your loss.
Is anyone in favor of allowing churches to provide welfare? Seems that is option B but doesn't that fork all the bill to church goers? Seems it would be a good deal for atheist.

I don't know a lot about the issue but if we can have inmates picking up trash on the side of the road than why can't welfare recipients do community service in exchange for welfare? They can make license plates and pick up trash too. It might encourage them to get a job if they have to work anyways assuming it is overseen correctly and the recipients are actually working.
In the event of an accident, the underinsured/uninsured motorist clause set forth by the state's Insurance Commisioner will cover the loss of both parties. The at fault driver will be penalized and fined up to the State's set amount for such incident.

In short, if you get hit by a freebie mobile, you should be allright concerning your loss.

Sounds like something else to drive up insurance costs.
In the event of an accident, the underinsured/uninsured motorist clause set forth by the state's Insurance Commisioner will cover the loss of both parties. The at fault driver will be penalized and fined up to the State's set amount for such incident.

In short, if you get hit by a freebie mobile, you should be allright concerning your loss.

Then you see car insurance premiums rise.
Is anyone in favor of allowing churches to provide welfare? Seems that is option B but doesn't that fork all the bill to church goers? Seems it would be a good deal for atheist.

I don't know a lot about the issue but if we can have inmates picking up trash on the side of the road than why can't welfare recipients do community service in exchange for welfare? They can make license plates and pick up trash too. It might encourage them to get a job if they have to work anyways assuming it is overseen correctly and the recipients are actually working.

at the very least, the welfare box...
Not being argumentitive, but just who might supervise these community projects?
Not being argumentitive, but just who might supervise these community projects?

Oh, I agree with you. I don't know either and it probably wouldn't work but it can't be any worse than the current system. I also would feel better about someone receiving welfare if they earned it in some form.
Not being argumentitive, but just who might supervise these community projects?

i say put them in an isolation box for 8 hours, clock in, clock out, get breaks.. strict drug screening
1)they are not commiting crimes
2)not doing drugs
3)Not reproducing
Then you see car insurance premiums rise.

Premiums rise based on driving records of at risk driver's, loss history in at fault claims. The policy amendements were set in place for those drivers who cannot sustain state minumum insurance financially. Cost will only go up if the driver is at fault. There is no blanket for premium increase for those drivers who are claims free with good driving records.
i say put them in an isolation box for 8 hours, clock in, clock out, get breaks.. strict drug screening
1)they are not commiting crimes
2)not doing drugs
3)Not reproducing

Who is watching the box? If you say Police, we are looking at all kinds of socialization problems. Yalls' concept is good, I just dont see how it can be properly enacted.
Who is watching the box? If you say Police, we are looking at all kinds of socialization problems. Yalls' concept is good, I just dont see how it can be properly enacted.

we use the people that are already employed in the system, we just change their job title to box watcher
I'd personally like to see us get away from relying on "the system" as it does not seem to be "working" (both figurativly, and literally). Look, I dont have the answers and I dont think anyone can accurately define simple solutions to the problems with the welfare system. Government aide is a farce and it will continue to be one until drastic social idealogy changes in this country. Many receive things now that make us all frustrated based on our employment status and that is tough to swallow for the American workforce, but we DO need to consider options on how to bring about the idea that "through hard work, comes reward". Generational gaps aside, this has been in a downward spiral for quite some time. The thinking must change before the actions will prove results in a positive light.

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