Welfare cars really?

I'd personally like to see us get away from relying on "the system" as it does not seem to be "working" (both figurativly, and literally). Look, I dont have the answers and I dont think anyone can accurately define simple solutions to the problems with the welfare system. Government aide is a farce and it will continue to be one until drastic social idealogy changes in this country. Many receive things now that make us all frustrated based on our employment status and that is tough to swallow for the American workforce, but we DO need to consider options on how to bring about the idea that "through hard work, comes reward". Generational gaps aside, this has been in a downward spiral for quite some time. The thinking must change before the actions will prove results in a positive light.

well the first thing is we need to combat the concept of entitlement, im sure you saw that tx when you were in the classroom..
My God, yes. I saw it with co-workers aswell. Its not a race issue, its a thinking issue. The problem is, people have very caviler attitudes when it comes to their lifestyles. An example real quickly:

In my neighborhood, there are people who qualified for $140,000 - $160,000 homes but cannot buy the lightbulbs for it. They then turn to re-financing as a means to keep it when the bills stack up taller than the grass they cant cut because they HAVE to work round the clock to keep it. You can literally drive down the street and see those houses who are wayyyy overstretched with bills. Just because you qualify, does not mean you can afford it. And secondly, dont dare think you are owed it because of the fact you qualified for it. Live within your means and persue the American dream. Im all for it. But dont dare give me this sense of entitlement that you are owed aide when you step into the fire.
My God, yes. I saw it with co-workers aswell. Its not a race issue, its a thinking issue. The problem is, people have very caviler attitudes when it comes to their lifestyles. An example real quickly:

In my neighborhood, there are people who qualified for $140,000 - $160,000 homes but cannot buy the lightbulbs for it. They then turn to re-financing as a means to keep it when the bills stack up taller than the grass they cant cut because they HAVE to work round the clock to keep it. You can literally drive down the street and see those houses who are wayyyy overstretched with bills. Just because you qualify, does not mean you can afford it. And secondly, dont dare think you are owed it because of the fact you qualified for it. Live within your means and persue the American dream. Im all for it. But dont dare give me this sense of entitlement that you are owed aide when you step into the fire.

hence the current economic situation, a lot of people dont realize that some of these companies want to get you in debt and trouble, because then they got you.
Its much more than that. Once your in, you very rarely see anyone get out. What you see is desperation and attempts as to how to remedy the problem. I've always thought it best to put the shovel down when you find yourself in a hole.
In the event of an accident, the underinsured/uninsured motorist clause set forth by the state's Insurance Commisioner will cover the loss of both parties. The at fault driver will be penalized and fined up to the State's set amount for such incident.

In short, if you get hit by a freebie mobile, you should be allright concerning your loss.
Yeah, that fine would teach them.
What do you care how they use it? You think they're going to take it on a cross country trip? You think they have a lot of money to go out on the town?

No they're going to sell it, blow all the money, and wind up like they were before the car.
Insanity from another board I frequent.

How is a program that's designed to get people off of welfare, without shifting any additional financial burden onto the state, an example of "out of control" entitlement?

The general idea is sound. Basically, the state is paying $6,000 towards the expense of a car for one year so that a family on welfare can use it to get back to work. Meanwhile, according to the article, the state is reducing welfare funding to said family by $6,000 for the year.

So, in theory, rather than placing an additional burden on tax payers or granting families additional entitlements, the program actually helps to get families OFF of welfare entitlements.

In practice, it's gotten about 80% of the families that have tried it back to work and off of welfare. And the main thing that people are complaining about is the fact that families who don't get back to work are allowed to keep the vehicle, but the state still breaks even because those families lose $6,000 towards their welfare benefits for the year.

What exactly is "out of control" about this? Is it true that the state is, at worst, breaking even? And if so, what's the problem?

So they receive $6000 less in welfare? That is $500 a month. I am not for any of this welfare business. But, if you are already giving it to them, why not give them the full amount and let them figure out their transportation needs and how to meet those needs with that $500? Am I missing something? Can people not get transportation for $500 a month? Are we dead set on creating and sustaining a class of mental invalids?
Insanity from another board I frequent.


well its flawed because obviously they are recieving 500 less in there welfare check a month, therefore they are not getting out of the system and still a burden on the system, they are just getting the money up front

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