Well Reasoned Article about Regulation and Free Markets

so? How does that tend to work out for equity holders and unionized employees? Best I recall, they don't end up with much and the employees certainly don't benefit at the expense of bondholders or equity owners.

No, I don't think unionized employees benefit at the expense of bondholders. Employees are usually in no different position in a bankruptcy than they would be in a bailout situation (unless they are governed by employment or union contract or the bankruptcy degrades down to an ad-hoc asset sale liquidation). My point is that the average creditor is much better off when a company gets a bailout compared to that same company going through bankruptcy. It is in part for this reason that I am arguing that past government policies have exacerbated the too big to fail problem. Formalizing it by creating a too big to fail trust fund, as outlined in current reforms, just does more of the same.

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