WGWTFA for this...

This thread got me wondering about SEC mascots all over again. With the addition of two new programs, I had room to learn some stuff.

We have four dogs: two butt-ugly bulldogs (UGa and Miss State's Bully), one cute collie (A&M's Reveille), and the king of them all, Smokey the bluetick hound.

We have two other domesticated animals, a chicken (USCe) and a cow (Texas).

We have two wild critters native to the US, a boar and a wildcat.

Then we've got the exotics: three tigers (LSU's wins for being the only real one, followed by Auburn and Mizzou's versions), one elephant, one gator, and one fictional thing called a landshark (those folks down in Ole Miss been watching way too much SNL).

Finally, we have the inanimate objects made of wood: a wagon (Oklahoma) and a sailor (Vandy).

Give me Smokey, any day. Runners-up include Mike the Tiger of LSU, Reveille of A&M, and half-credit for Scratch the wildcat at Kentucky. All the others are stupid, lame, or stupid and lame.

Go Vols!
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This thread got me wondering about SEC mascots all over again. With the addition of two new programs, I had room to learn some stuff.

We have four dogs: two butt-ugly bulldogs (UGa and Miss State's Bully), one cute collie (A&M's Reveille), and the king of them all, Smokey the bluetick hound.

We have two other domesticated animals, a chicken (USCe) and a cow (Texas).

We have two wild critters native to the US, a boar and a wildcat.

Then we've got the exotics: three tigers (LSU's wins for being the only real one, followed by Auburn and Mizzou's versions), one elephant, one gator, and one fictional thing called a landshark (those folks down in Ole Miss been watching way too much SNL).

Finally, we have the inanimate objects made of wood: a wagon (Oklahoma) and a sailor (Vandy).

Give me Smokey, any day. Runners-up include Mike the Tiger of LSU, Reveille of A&M, and half-credit for Scratch the wildcat at Kentucky. All the others are stupid, lame, or stupid and lame.

Go Vols!

Alligators (A. mississippiensis) are native to the US, but I get your take as well with Florida being a US state, yet seeming like another country once one gets south of Orlando.

Vanderbilt's mascot is funny...a hypothrtical modern equivalent would be along the lines of Warren Buffett bankrolling a new university and their mascot being the mighty "Stock Picker". At least they'd have the opportunity for a headline after a narrow victory..."Pickers, by a nose".
Ok, I get that Smokey is OUR dog and he's #1 in our hearts but, you gotta admit that retrieving the tee is pretty cool! I wish Smokey did that!
Nah! Smokey is best at guarding the sidelines against enemy intruders who wander too close to our team. Butt biting may become a real sport. I hear it already is in some homes.
Where can I find Smokey on gameday (pre-game)? I've never been able to locate him. Last year ahead of the UGA game, my girlfriend and I hung out around AGR most of the day as rumor had it he comes by there since they are the handlers but alas no joy.
Where can I find Smokey on gameday (pre-game)? I've never been able to locate him. Last year ahead of the UGA game, my girlfriend and I hung out around AGR most of the day as rumor had it he comes by there since they are the handlers but alas no joy.
I think he's always in the near left corner of the field from the perspective of a person sitting directly behind our home team benches.

EDIT: Oh, sorry, you said pre-game. Doesn't he walk around in the Volunteer Village for a while before each game? And then he usually gets to the Vol Walk before the players arrive, I think.
This thread got me wondering about SEC mascots all over again. With the addition of two new programs, I had room to learn some stuff.

We have four dogs: two butt-ugly bulldogs (UGa and Miss State's Bully), one cute collie (A&M's Reveille), and the king of them all, Smokey the bluetick hound.

We have two other domesticated animals, a chicken (USCe) and a cow (Texas).

We have two wild critters native to the US, a boar and a wildcat.

Then we've got the exotics: three tigers (LSU's wins for being the only real one, followed by Auburn and Mizzou's versions), one elephant, one gator, and one fictional thing called a landshark (those folks down in Ole Miss been watching way too much SNL).

Finally, we have the inanimate objects made of wood: a wagon (Oklahoma) and a sailor (Vandy).

Give me Smokey, any day. Runners-up include Mike the Tiger of LSU, Reveille of A&M, and half-credit for Scratch the wildcat at Kentucky. All the others are stupid, lame, or stupid and lame.

Go Vols!
Didn't Ole Miss change their names a few years back to the Black Bears? I seem to remember something like that when all the statues and displays that had anything to do with The Civil War on the Southern side were being taken down and replaced.

Can anyone confirm this or dis-spell it?
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Didn't Ole Miss change their names a few years back to the Black Bears? I seem to remember something like that when all the statues and displays that had anything to do with The Civil War on the Southern side were being taken down and replaced.

Can anyone confirm this or dis-spell it?
Yah, they were Johnny Reb, or something like that, for decades and decades. Then political correctness and cancel culture arrived and he was thrown on the trash heap of history. He was replaced by a bear, as you said. That bear lasted maybe eight or ten years before they shifted to the land shark. The shark has been their dude for the last five-six years. Heh.

Go Vols!
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Yah, they were Johnny Reb, or something like that, for decades and decades. Then political correctness and cancel culture arrived and he was thrown on the trash heap of history. He was replaced by a bear, as you said. That bear lasted maybe eight or ten years before they shifted to the land shark. The shark has been their dude for the last five-six years. Heh.

Go Vols!
Yeah, that landshark thing was/is kinda stupid, in my opinion.
Please! You only say that because it's not Smokey. If he did that, and had been doing it all along, you'd say it's great.

No. I really could care less. It's cute for Arena football or a high school or maybe even some colleges, but I really don't think it's that big of a deal. It's paramount to have Bevo stand on his hind legs when Texas comes out of the tunnel or having Renegade bring out the game ball in his teeth.

It's a minor league gimmick in my opinion. And the great thing about Smokey is his chill, cool demeanor. Having him chase the tee would detract from that.
Looks like Butch Jones designed those steps.
If so, he did a good job. I'm a fan of creative brick work.


As for the Wolfpack having a better mascot, they could. IF, IF, IF, they had an imagination. While they'd probably be kept on a tight, TIGHT leash, there are wolf dogs, interbred animals) that people won. Probably with a special license. I've seen them. Raised from puppies, they are not that different from regular dogs. BUT, you do have to keep in mind they are part wolf. The handler has to be a firm person, but not mean spirited. The only incident I recall f one going after and getting someone, was some fat, spoiled, undisciplined, animal-cruelty bent kid who got exactly what he deserved. Sadly, the dog was put down as a result. They should have put the fat slobber down instead, considering what he did to provoke the dog.

Back to NCST mascot, the wolf dog could be a better mascot. A few suggestions are:
Saarloos Wolf Dog
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Lupo Italiano (best have 2, as they are pack-centric)
Tamaskan Dog (not really a wolf dog, but STRONG wolf-like appearance)
Greenland Dog (forget it, just forget it)
Siberian Husky - My favorite because they are so playful, yet dramatic brats. They make me think of them as that dayum little brat, Number 5, of the Umbrella Academy. Really, they can be a pain in the bottom, but make you laugh often. NCST simply has no imagination.
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No. I really could care less. It's cute for Arena football or a high school or maybe even some colleges, but I really don't think it's that big of a deal. It's paramount to have Bevo stand on his hind legs when Texas comes out of the tunnel or having Renegade bring out the game ball in his teeth.

It's a minor league gimmick in my opinion.And the great thing about Smokey is his chill, cool demeanor. Having him chase the tee would detract from that.

Just remember, all traditions start out as gimmicks until they are agreed upon by the majority that they're worth keeping.
That's cool that their mascot retrieves the tee. I say well-played by NCState. Just talking a Krystal's worth of trash at us. Nothing they'll have to "own" after they get their wolf packed and shipped back up the road.

Can't say a lab is the most intimidating of mascots...
but if I was an Oregon Duck (or any team whose mascot is a tennis ball) I'd be very wary of ol' Ripken!
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Please keep in mind Ripken is blameless in all this..The idiot posting, on the other hand, is a completely classless MORON..Smokey is BY FAR a better mascot and it ain't even close!!

Disclaimer: I've had 3 Black Labs and have found them Loyal beyond reproach, Smart as hell, and Fierce as hell if needed (seldom, if ever, needed)..And with age they have all become "Pleasantly Plump" but utterly adorable...;)
I don’t know if it’s just my luck, but I’ve had 2 black labs that I loved, but they were dumb as rocks😂
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