Roasted squash coated in panko crumbs, grated Parmesan, lemon pepper, and paprika, plus (on the roasting pan) sliced onions in olive oil, salt, and pepper, topped with green onions and French tarragon
Been on a salad roll lately and did one again tonight. I am looking at some recipes for other simple, easy to make salads to add to the dinner rotation.
Got another batch of turkeys and chickens almost ready to slaughter so been cleaning out the freezer. Smoked a small turkey hen and a whole chicken and some leg quarters for the fire station training today. Dry rub then a thin sweet spicy bbq sauce to let them steam in. Baked beans and Cole slaw. Dessert is a special treat this time of year fresh strawberry pudding (think banana pudding except strawberries).
Yep. Worked around the house all day. Hubby put spigots on the deck and the front porch so I can have a water hose at both places to spray off the pollen and water plants, etc.