What do you think will be the biggest improvement on the 2013 UT Football team?



Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2012
To Me I think that the biggest improvement will be with the pass rush. Tennessee will have more DL depth than They've had in quite a while.
Pretty easy. Scoring D. I will be disappointed if UT does not cut about 2 TD's per game off their avg in 2012... about 37 ppg.
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Attitude. Some of the poor attitudes are gone.

That's an interesting point. Care to elaborate?

I'll start. I loved watching Hunter play before the injury and yelled at the TV alot watching him play afterwards. He spent last year preserving his draft status. I think he is still a good guy. Certainly on a level it is understandable. But it was very frustrating as a fan of the Vols and him.
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Under the impression that the coaching should be vastly better, I would say NOT QUITING is the biggest thing.
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I think the biggest improvement is in the fan base. The key to a successful program begins in the stands. They can be the basis for a team learning to believe in themselves. They can be a key to recruiting. They will make a team want to win for them. I am proud to be a BIG ORANGE fan!
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To Me I think that the biggest improvement will be with the pass rush. Tennessee will have more DL depth than They've had in quite a while.

The biggest improvement will be on defense, of course, because that is our most glaring weakness from last season.
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I would say playing 4 quarters and effective adjustments by the coaches. If your coaches are getting whipped it's hard for the team to carry the load.
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You pass the ball....... you catch the ball....... you run like you stole it and score a huge TD............

I'd say the AD's budget gets a break...keeping Sal out of the buffet line in the training center could be HUGE.
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Got so sick of him spending excessive time licking himself last season. I understand he has to do it. But did he have to do it every quarter...and for several minutes per session???? He should get his stuff done and get his head up ASAP. Easy to tell his mind wasn't in the game.
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