What does Jones have to do for you?

Well it took Johnny Majors 7 seasons to turn the Tennessee program around(9-3 in 1983)

Entirely different era, won't happen again. No coach at a major program these days would be given that kind of time and Jones won't either. (Really, I've often wondered if Majors would have been given all that time had he not been a star player here and won a NC right before coming here. Unique circumstance to say the least.)
Doesn't do a bit of good if they don't have anybody that can get them the ball. I agree that there may be some athletes on the team who can somewhat fill the void left by Hunter and Patterson. There isn't anybody that comes close to what Bray brought to the table. He will be our biggest loss.

Way to early to judge that but I agree that Bray's arm will be missed. I don't think we can go the whole season with one QB under center. Will more than likely have to pull a page out of Les Miles' playbook and run several QB's with the high possibility of changing them out on a team by team or even a "set by set" basis. But as we did last year, we just got to get the ball in the WR's hands. If that's a simple 5 yard hitch route, so be it.
Way to early to judge that but I agree that Bray's arm will be missed. I don't think we can go the whole season with one QB under center. Will more than likely have to pull a page out of Les Miles' playbook and run several QB's with the high possibility of changing them out on a team by team or even a "set by set" basis. But as we did last year, we just got to get the ball in the WR's hands. If that's a simple 5 yard hitch route, so be it.

I don't think Bray could have lasted a full season with Butch.
We have to beat Vandy, Missouri, and Kentucky in the SEC and hope to steal another win from teams a little better than we are right now.
He's done everything perfectly so far, he just needs to WIN.

I agree, however, with the schedule this year it is going to be very, very tough to have a winning season, especially considering what is left in our offensive skill positions. I think that he will have the Vols giving everything that they have and that is all we can ask for at this point.
it is going to be very, very tough to have a winning season

I'm not entirely sure it's going to be THAT tough. I think (purely my opinion) we beat Austin Peay, Western Kentucky, South Alabama, Vandy, and Kentucky. I also think we'll win 2 of the four of Georgia, USCjr, Auburn, and Missouri. That would give us 7 wins. I really don't think that's all that unrealistic.
I'm not entirely sure it's going to be THAT tough. I think (purely my opinion) we beat Austin Peay, Western Kentucky, South Alabama, Vandy, and Kentucky. I also think we'll win 2 of the four of Georgia, USCjr, Auburn, and Missouri. That would give us 7 wins. I really don't think that's all that unrealistic.

Tennessee has to beat Missou or it's 6-6
In my heart of hearts, I think we'll come out of those 4 I mentioned at 3-1. I think we'll beat USCjr, Auburn, and Missouri, and I'm afraid we'll lose to Georgia.

My head keeps taking my heart of hearts out back and wailing on it with a tree limb, though, so I've backed off to "2 of the 4".
So far I like what Butch is doing. We may not win a lot this year so he will need to string together a few great recruiting classes. Looking at the schedule it is tougher than last year. I thought we had eight wins baked in with just our schedule last year. This year I see six and possibly seven. I will be able to make a better judgement when I see the team react to adversity and actually see them play a game. We have lacked a toughness the last few years.
Actually, working miracles might be in Butch Jones bag of tricks. When the search was going on, I had a top five list for coaches I hoped we could get: Petersen, Patterson, Strong, Gruden, and Gundy. I had no idea who Butch Jones was. From the moment Dave Hart introduced Jones to now, this guy has impressed me, and I am the guy who had all but given up. My only hope was for the Vols players who aspired for the NFL to get on a team, and do well. Now I believe that the program has a coach that is the closest thing to raising Robert Neyland from the grave.

Remember what we were all asking Dave Hart to do on this hire? We wanted a home run hire. This isn't a home run, it is a grand slam in game 7 of the world series. I am as sure of this as I have ever been of anything in my life, people. I have every confidence that when this season gets here, whether we win or lose, every team the Vols face this season will never forget how hard these guys played. I know we are going to be damn proud of this team.

I like your attitude! CBJ has my support and I am impressed. My only concern is some of the fan base will not give him some time. It took Majors about four years to turn the program around as it is much harder to turn a football program into a winner than basketball. GBO!!!
Well it took Johnny Majors 7 seasons to turn the Tennessee program around(9-3 in 1983)

For those too young or not yet born, UT was picked by Sports Illustrated as it's pre-season #1 team in 1983. Keep in mind in 1983 ESPN was still a baby and there wasn't a lot of college football coverage. You got your sports from your local paper, local news, Sports Illustrated, and The Sporting News. That's about it.

So UT went 8-3 in '83, dropping 2 out their 1st 3 to Pitt and Auburn. 8-3 back in those days got you a trip to the Citrus Bowl (Now Capital One) but it wasn't played on New Year's Day. It was in the middle of Dec.
I'll be content with anything, as long as he doesn't take my mother Dorothy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner, and then never call her again.
For those too young or not yet born, UT was picked by Sports Illustrated as it's pre-season #1 team in 1983. Keep in mind in 1983 ESPN was still a baby and there wasn't a lot of college football coverage. You got your sports from your local paper, local news, Sports Illustrated, and The Sporting News. That's about it.

So UT went 8-3 in '83, dropping 2 out their 1st 3 to Pitt and Auburn. 8-3 back in those days got you a trip to the Citrus Bowl (Now Capital One) but it wasn't played on New Year's Day. It was in the middle of Dec.

It was Sport magazine..I still have the copy somewhere

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