What Does Trump Mean When He Says "America First"?

We have yet to see how Trump is going to react to these inevitable provocations. I, for one, have no clue if his decision-making process will be calm, lucid, and deliberate. But, I am going to whine about it anyway.

How we read your posts........
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Or he very well could realize how important this nation is to the world as a whole, in terms of economic and military power and knows our rightful place as a world leader. Something ignored for the past eight years.

Nonsense. How many trillions did Obama spend intervening?

"America first" would be putting Americans first, not spending ourselves into oblivion to try to protect the world.

If you value our importance to the world economically, how is isolation doing anything for anybody?
What does he mean? My guesses:

1. Immigration policy will be focused on prioritizing legal immigrants and citizens rather than thinking international "compassion" first. IOW moral obligation to those here and doing things legally than those who may have good reason to come but don't do it the right way.

2. Trade deals will be focused on minimizing short term impact on US jobs.

3. Military interventions (uni and multi-lateral) will be focused on direct threats to US interests

4. Equity will be sought in alliances in terms of support (financial and in kind) - UN, NATO, etc.

Some I agree with, some I don't but this is what I'm thinking he means.
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Nonsense. How many trillions did Obama spend intervening?

"America first" would be putting Americans first, not spending ourselves into oblivion to try to protect the world.

If you value our importance to the world economically, how is isolation doing anything for anybody?

I don't think Trump is an isolationist at all.

He's not anti-trade; he's anti trade deals he thinks are unfair to the US. He could be wrong but I don't see isolationism in his strategy.
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We have yet to see how Trump is going to react to these inevitable provocations. I, for one, have very little faith right now that his decision-making process will be calm, lucid, and deliberate.

LOL, yet you had no problems with obama's policies of emboldening America's enemies
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I don't think Trump is an isolationist at all.

He's not anti-trade; he's anti trade deals he thinks are unfair to the US. He could be wrong but I don't see isolationism in his strategy.

this sill term isolationism is what the marxist scream when anyone wants to put American 1st over 3rd world countries. it is pure stupidity. LG is a world citizen, he has no problems taking Americans money while attacking the very place he makes a living in.
I don't think Trump is an isolationist at all.

He's not anti-trade; he's anti trade deals he thinks are unfair to the US. He could be wrong but I don't see isolationism in his strategy.

Semantics. A rose by any other name...it's still isolationist in its result, whether or not he wants better deals. What are the odds that we end up with freer trade in the long run? Not good, IMO.
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Semantics. A rose by any other name...it's still isolationist in its result, whether or not he wants better deals. What are the odds that we end up with freer trade in the long run? Not good, IMO.

protectionist more than isolationist

he's not advocating a withdrawal from the world stage or from our influence in the world. If anything he's trying to magnify our influence by forcing others to bend to our will.
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protectionist more than isolationist

he's not advocating a withdrawal from the world stage or from our influence in the world. If anything he's trying to magnify our influence by forcing others to bend to our will.

Control or influence? I think $ and goods crossing borders is a type of influence and it's a lot more constructive then just ensuring control.
protectionist more than isolationist

he's not advocating a withdrawal from the world stage or from our influence in the world. If anything he's trying to magnify our influence by forcing others to bend to our will.

The United States is the world's only superpower. The rest of the world is going to bend to our will by definition. They bend to our will now because we tell them what to do. Donald is advocating more of a position of "look, we aren't going to do XYZ anymore, and you'll have to deal with it."

A perfect example is the South Korea/Japan nuclear issue. The reason they don't have nukes or even much of a military to begin with (especially in the case of Japan) is because we tell them not to and we'll take care of it. They bend to our will.

If we withdraw, they are still bending to our will but in a totally different fashion (in an extreme case, they'd have an "oh s**t" moment and have to start defending themselves).
Semantics. A rose by any other name...it's still isolationist in its result, whether or not he wants better deals. What are the odds that we end up with freer trade in the long run? Not good, IMO.

so you're saying we need to make deals that will help other countries and not us. it's a good deal only if it hurts the greedy USA.

that's really what comes down too. you liberal believe that, since America is greedy, we deserve to make trade deals that only help poor countries. because America can afford it.

do you have this same emotional mentality towards your football team?
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Nonsense. How many trillions did Obama spend intervening?

"America first" would be putting Americans first, not spending ourselves into oblivion to try to protect the world.

If you value our importance to the world economically, how is isolation doing anything for anybody?

You missed the point of what I was saying. I'm thinking broad spectrum and not just military actions. There is no reason we should be paying for and hitching a ride with the Russians to the ISS. There is no reason we shouldn't be leading the peace process for a great many places. There is no reason we shouldn't be dealing with countries on an even footing when it comes to trade. There is no reason the Chinese should be ripping off our corporation's intellectual property and being allowed to turn around and sell it back in our country.

You take a narrow view of "leadership" in thinking it's isolationist. It's not. It's being the most powerful country in the world and leading from the front rather than stepping back and allowing others to take our place. I have no problem with some nations being equals, Russia in the military or China in manufacturing for example. But by and large, we shouldn't be allowing anyone to get ahead of us in anything. Or depending on anyone else unless we want to.
How much better would our economy be if we could have redirected govt monies used to defend Europe back into our own economy through programs or lower taxes? How can you quantify what it has really cost us to babysit these countries that don't have a tank or plane to their name? Meanwhile they've been able to keep that money in their economy or better yet maintain taxes for lots of progressive socialist programs. They are happy to have us foot the bill while calling us imperialists and meddling world police. Let the EU pull their weight keeping Russia at bay.
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America first means the USA should have ZERO kids going hungry and ZERO homeless population before worrying about what some other sorry ass country and its people are mixed up in.
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"America first" is such a misleading way to frame it.

Every president believes in America first, it's really how you view a given issue short term or long term as in our best interests. For example, on trade, is the issue a short term advantage to one side or the other, ie immediate benefit to America? Or is it that you think it's worth short term disadvantage to the US to gain long term position of advantage?

Obama clearly believed in the latter. Trump thinks that the long term benefits are not worth the short term disadvantages of some of these pacts. Both have arguments in support.
What was the long term advantage supposed to be of getting our butts kicked on every trade deal we've made the last 8 years?
America first means the USA should have ZERO kids going hungry and ZERO homeless population before worrying about what some other sorry ass country and its people are mixed up in.

That sounds eerily similar to my neighbors 22 year old daughters argument on why she was voting for Clinton after being screwed out of The Bern. Feeding the poor and homeless...

How much better would our economy be if we could have redirected govt monies used to defend Europe back into our own economy through programs or lower taxes? How can you quantify what it has really cost us to babysit these countries that don't have a tank or plane to their name? Meanwhile they've been able to keep that money in their economy or better yet maintain taxes for lots of progressive socialist programs. They are happy to have us foot the bill while calling us imperialists and meddling world police. Let the EU pull their weight keeping Russia at bay.

George W. Bush describes GOP as 'isolationist, protectionist and, to a certain extent, nativist' - CNNPolitics

Asked on Tuesday how he would describe the Republican Party as he sees it today, Bush told NBC's Hoda Kotb on the "Today" show, "I would describe it as isolationist, protectionist and, to a certain extent, nativist."

In the "Today" interview on Tuesday, Bush also expressed concern about President Joe Biden's announcement to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, the war Bush initiated following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks nearly 20 years ago.

"My first reaction was wow, these girls are gonna have real trouble with the Taliban," Bush said recalling when Biden informed him of the decision. "A lot of gains have been made, and so I'm deeply concerned about the plight of women and girls in that country."
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Bush fails to remember the media hated him and called him the same stuff they call Trump but now they like him because he bashes Trump and those of us who voted for him. GW is a moron

The media has been pretty cool to him ever since he left office, actually.
The media has been pretty cool to him ever since he left office, actually.
He disappeared after 2009 for the most part. I don't recall him ever being critical of obama so that's probably why. Now they really like him because he hates Trump and those of us who voted for him even though 18 years ago he was also a racist and hitler according to the DNC media.

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