What I hope to hear Biden say tonight



Senior Member
Aug 8, 2005
He should say that he realizes that there is a large swath of the country that is extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, that it thinks government is too big and inefficient, that people are worried and anxious, especially because of the virus, that he feels like a lack of trust has built up over the years. In government. In each other.

And that he will work hard each day to restore that trust, including by listening to and working with Republicans in the House and Senate to show that compromise is not capitulation and this is not a zero sum game.

(And that his first order of business is to put Lindsey Graham's office in a van, down by the river. But I am getting greedy with that one, I know.)
Agree with the messaging. Looking forward to hearing someone that actually sounds presidential rather than the carnival barker.
Biden sounds like an idiot and has during almost every speech. "Come on man" is presidential?

The thought that he will have any control over this admin is laughable
He should say that he realizes that there is a large swath of the country that is extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, that it thinks government is too big and inefficient, that people are worried and anxious, especially because of the virus, that he feels like a lack of trust has built up over the years. In government. In each other.

And that he will work hard each day to restore that trust, including by listening to and working with Republicans in the House and Senate to show that compromise is not capitulation and this is not a zero sum game.

(And that his first order of business is to put Lindsey Graham's office in a van, down by the river. But I am getting greedy with that one, I know.)
I just want him to take care of himself and make sure he lives for at least four years
You know as well as I do all Biden is gonna do is make the divide worse. That’s what Obama did and I don’t see Biden doing any different
Yes. Biden and Obama were and are bigger dividers than Trump was in his four years. Our status of education on the world stage is showing of late.
I just want him to take care of himself and make sure he lives for at least four years
He will likely live four years but his current diminished mental facilities will decline even further. The 25th amendment will be enacted and Kamala Harris will become our next president
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Joe Biden - Mentally unstable who doesn’t know what he’s talking about half the time.

Kamala Harris - Power hungry liberal waiting to take Joe Biden’s spot whenever she’s ready.

Yeah, I feel much safer now.
Agree with the messaging. Looking forward to hearing someone that actually sounds presidential rather than the carnival barker.
Did you see the jobs report listed today. Did you see the GDP numbers posted last week. Did you see the economy numbers and the avg 6k household income gain in the first 3 years of Trumps term. That carnival barker was abrasive and bellicose but achieved more in 3 years than any other president has done in the last 30 years
Joe Biden - Mentally unstable who doesn’t know what he’s talking about half the time.

Kamala Harris - Power hungry liberal waiting to take Joe Biden’s spot whenever she’s ready.

Yeah, I feel much safer now.

Imagine thinking Kamala is a liberal lmao.

Trump also doesn't know what he's talking about half of the time, yet you felt safe with him leading our country?

The sh*t show will continue till at least 2024.
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Did you see the jobs report listed today. Did you see the GDP numbers posted last week. Did you see the economy numbers and the avg 6k household income gain in the first 3 years of Trumps term. That carnival barker was abrasive and bellicose but achieved more in 3 years than any other president has done in the last 30 years
Yes, I saw all the metrics you reference. I'm also not dumb enough to equate every economic metric with a president's success rate. BTW, what did the national debt look like under Clinton as compared to under Trump?
He should say that he realizes that there is a large swath of the country that is extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, that it thinks government is too big and inefficient, that people are worried and anxious, especially because of the virus, that he feels like a lack of trust has built up over the years. In government. In each other.

And that he will work hard each day to restore that trust, including by listening to and working with Republicans in the House and Senate to show that compromise is not capitulation and this is not a zero sum game.

(And that his first order of business is to put Lindsey Graham's office in a van, down by the river. But I am getting greedy with that one, I know.)
Too many words... he cannot do it.
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Yes, I saw all the metrics you reference. I'm also not dumb enough to equate every economic metric with a president's success rate. BTW, what did the national debt look like under Clinton as compared to under Trump?
What did it look like compared to W? Compared to Barry? We’ve been spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave since 2001 at least. Trump didn’t start this train wreck but he sure was happy to press the accelerator just like the great divider did.

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