What I hope to hear Biden say tonight

Message of unity.
I actually laughed
Glad it made you laugh. That's what I've done every time trump has tried to give a speech for the last 4 years.
Tonight's speech will be the first presidential sounding speech the country has had the liberty to hear in 4 years.
Hope you enjoy!
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You’d rather have a guy with Alzheimer’s than the first President not to start a new war

Yup. That’s stupid.
Got a link to medical records showing where Biden has Alzheimers?? Or are you just once again spouting from trumps worn-out playbook?
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I'd also take AOC or Michelle Obama on the ticket as well.

Would you classify yourself as a "Democratic Socialist"? Ya know, I can understand the rational behind Biden but AOC and Hillary blow my mind. If you had said Tulsi Gabbard I might have jumped on that train. She always impressed me and I liked some of her policies.
Would you classify yourself as a "Democratic Socialist"? Ya know, I can understand the rational behind Biden but AOC and Hillary blow my mind. If you had said Tulsi Gabbard I might have jumped on that train. She always impressed me and I liked some of her policies.
Negative on the democratic socialist. Consider myself an independent. And you're correct...the rationale for adding AOC or HIllary to the office is mind blowing. However, I have to say it is entertaining to throw those names out there just to see the resident trump lovers lose their sh!t.
He should say that he realizes that there is a large swath of the country that is extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, that it thinks government is too big and inefficient, that people are worried and anxious, especially because of the virus, that he feels like a lack of trust has built up over the years. In government. In each other.

And that he will work hard each day to restore that trust, including by listening to and working with Republicans in the House and Senate to show that compromise is not capitulation and this is not a zero sum game.

(And that his first order of business is to put Lindsey Graham's office in a van, down by the river. But I am getting greedy with that one, I know.)
He should say that he realizes that there is a large swath of the country that is extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, that it thinks government is too big and inefficient, that people are worried and anxious, especially because of the virus, that he feels like a lack of trust has built up over the years. In government. In each other.

And that he will work hard each day to restore that trust, including by listening to and working with Republicans in the House and Senate to show that compromise is not capitulation and this is not a zero sum game.

(And that his first order of business is to put Lindsey Graham's office in a van, down by the river. But I am getting greedy with that one, I know.)

Whatever he says, I guarantee you he'll be more presidential in 3 minutes than Trump has been in his entire term.
Glad it made you laugh. That's what I've done every time trump has tried to give a speech for the last 4 years.
Tonight's speech will be the first presidential sounding speech the country has had the liberty to hear in 4 years.
Hope you enjoy!
Meet the new boss.
Same as the old boss.
I won’t listen to him any more than I did the last guy

In this case the new boss is an old boss who hasn’t done anything in 47 years.
And sounding superior to the last guy is hardly something to brag about.
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Got a link to medical records showing where Biden has Alzheimers?? Or are you just once again spouting from trumps worn-out playbook?
My dad has Alzheimer’s. It’s been a ride. Biden is acting exactly like my father did less than a year ago.
Biden won’t last that long with the stress of the job.

I would not wish what he’s about to experience on anyone. The people around Biden should be ashamed of themselves
My dad has Alzheimer’s. It’s been a ride. Biden is acting exactly like my father did less than a year ago.
Biden won’t last that long with the stress of the job.

I would not wish what he’s about to experience on anyone. The people around Biden should be ashamed of themselves
Sorry about your dad, man. I have an aunt that's been living with it for a while and it is no joke.

Hope you're wrong about Biden having it. Only time will tell.
Joe Biden - Mentally unstable who doesn’t know what he’s talking about half the time.

Kamala Harris - Power hungry liberal waiting to take Joe Biden’s spot whenever she’s ready.

Yeah, I feel much safer now.
Biden's first executive order: Kamala is not allowed to stand directly behind him at any time... Especially near stairs.
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Biden sounds like an idiot and has during almost every speech. "Come on man" is presidential?

The thought that he will have any control over this admin is laughable
What I find laughable is the fact that the left is still making believe that he will make 6 months in office
What I find laughable is the fact that the left is still making believe that he will make 6 months in office
And yet, even with all of his mental faculties declining, he still is managing to hand trumps ass to him so far in the current election. Do you find that laughable as well?
Apologizing for what exactly? I expect you'll hear a message of unity...something we haven't heard from trump in a very long time.

I expect to hear him apologizing to China, Iran, NATO and so on, Just the way Obama started out his presidency.
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