What I hope to hear Biden say tonight

Biden is just going to end up trying to appease everyone. (For as long as he's in office before Harris takes over.) China and BLM/Antifa. They fed/nurtured their movements and now they're going to eat them alive. All the while white liberals will be like,"Hey, but I thought we were friends!".

It makes me sick to watch them waving the American flag proudly in their celebrations, knowing good and well that they weren't for it when Trump was in office. They desecrated our flag and are only waving it now because they are getting their way. And Biden seeking "unity" amongst us, after his supporters and the media spent every waking hour for the last 4 years obstructing Trump and demonizing his supporters. They showed no respect to us or Trump and so I will not give any in return.
Awww poor guy
He should say that he realizes that there is a large swath of the country that is extremely dissatisfied with the status quo, that it thinks government is too big and inefficient, that people are worried and anxious, especially because of the virus, that he feels like a lack of trust has built up over the years. In government. In each other.

And that he will work hard each day to restore that trust, including by listening to and working with Republicans in the House and Senate to show that compromise is not capitulation and this is not a zero sum game.

(And that his first order of business is to put Lindsey Graham's office in a van, down by the river. But I am getting greedy with that one, I know.)
Cool words!!!

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