What I hope to hear Biden say tonight

Yep..... because he was such a militaristic instigator

That shows what kind of idiots Biden voters are. It'll be a real shame when Biden sends troops to another worthless middle east sand pit. That's what swamp creatures do. That's why they got rid of Trump because he didn't play along with that nonsense.

He's the first president in 50 or 60 years to broker some real middle east peace deals, bypassing entirely the worthless Palestinians who never wanted any sort of deal. How's that for thinking outside the box?

Substantiated foreign policy success. Very presidential I would say. But the left are more interested in phony, fake "oh Biden sounds so presidential would you listen to that??" never mind back to the same failed, foolish policies that never worked.

Syria is the first worthless non-strategic hell hole that Biden sends troops into, book it.
The last time I voted major Party was before Bush V Gore. I was thinking it cannot get worse than that. Now I wish we had candidates of the quality of Bush and Gore. Gawd help us
George Bush has at least partially contributed to the bad spot we are in today. I’d take Trump over the Bush family cartel any day
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Negative on the democratic socialist. Consider myself an independent. And you're correct...the rationale for adding AOC or HIllary to the office is mind blowing. However, I have to say it is entertaining to throw those names out there just to see the resident trump lovers lose their sh!t.
It's just another day lostsheep.
That shows what kind of idiots Biden voters are. It'll be a real shame when Biden sends troops to another worthless middle east sand pit. That's what swamp creatures do. That's why they got rid of Trump because he didn't play along with that nonsense.

He's the first president in 50 or 60 years to broker some real middle east peace deals, bypassing entirely the worthless Palestinians who never wanted any sort of deal. How's that for thinking outside the box?

Substantiated foreign policy success. Very presidential I would say. But the left are more interested in phony, fake "oh Biden sounds so presidential would you listen to that??" never mind back to the same failed, foolish policies that never worked.

Syria is the first worthless non-strategic hell hole that Biden sends troops into, book it.
That was my thought, Syria would be the go to.
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Also dying to hear what he's going to do about this. The democrats who thought the rioting would stop just because Trump is out...I wonder how they'll feel when they are the targets.
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Let's see how inclusive Joe is if Republicans start a two yr $40mill investigation on him and threaten impeachment everyday...
China collusion investigation starting in February fueled by a 4chan source about Biden and Hunter in Thailand..

Also dying to hear what he's going to do about this. The democrats who thought the rioting would stop just because Trump is out...I wonder how they'll feel when they are the targets.

He is going to "HEAL" America!! Like the libtards here have been saying, "its time to heal!". Now..they don't actually know what that means, and neither does PedoJoe. He also wants to end systemic racism. lol. Reminds me of one of Obama's biggest campaign failures: closing Gitmo. Its just pillow talk for his moronic followers.
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He is going to "HEAL" America!! Like the libtards here have been saying, "its time to heal!". Now..they don't actually know what that means, and neither does PedoJoe. He also wants to end systemic racism. lol. Reminds me of one of Obama's biggest campaign failures: closing Gitmo. Its just pillow talk for his moronic followers.

Biden is just going to end up trying to appease everyone. (For as long as he's in office before Harris takes over.) China and BLM/Antifa. They fed/nurtured their movements and now they're going to eat them alive. All the while white liberals will be like,"Hey, but I thought we were friends!".

It makes me sick to watch them waving the American flag proudly in their celebrations, knowing good and well that they weren't for it when Trump was in office. They desecrated our flag and are only waving it now because they are getting their way. And Biden seeking "unity" amongst us, after his supporters and the media spent every waking hour for the last 4 years obstructing Trump and demonizing his supporters. They showed no respect to us or Trump and so I will not give any in return.
Biden is just going to end up trying to appease everyone. (For as long as he's in office before Harris takes over.) China and BLM/Antifa. They fed/nurtured their movements and now they're going to eat them alive. All the while white liberals will be like,"Hey, but I thought we were friends!".

It makes me sick to watch them waving the American flag proudly in their celebrations, knowing good and well that they weren't for it when Trump was in office. They desecrated our flag and are only waving it now because they are getting their way. And Biden seeking "unity" amongst us, after his supporters and the media spent every waking hour for the last 4 years obstructing Trump and demonizing his supporters. They showed no respect to us or Trump and so I will not give any in return.
White Libs..they are the people who will hang a BLM flag outside their house but lose their sh!t if section 8 housing comes near them. Love it!
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