I told a buddy of mine at work the other say, the large majority of Alabama fans are an embarrasment to humanity and if you belong to the small segmemt of bama that are actually reasonable people, and you are not embarrased by the majority of the fanbase, then you are one of them. He agreed.
In that you feel the need to get it off your chest, let me do the same. EVERYONE is the same. You are not dealing with a fan base, or a color, or a team, you are dealing with human nature. From the moment we get smacked on the bottom, there is this strong inclination in each one of us to be selfish, to think more of ourselves than we should.
That alone explains why we do the crazy things we do with our families, friends, workmates,
favorite football team, even country. Nothing virtuous about it at all. And frankly, pride, ego, ambition, contentiousness and many more of the same low characteristics that come from selfishness are programmed in every person's DNA since conception.
So you see, giving just partial credit for such qualities to only a few, or a particular fan base, is to miss the common imperfection and thus the real problem completely. Can you dig it?